Meta's comprehensive reviews: How To Train Your Dragon 2

Developed by Little Orbit and Torus Games, published by Dreamworks Interactive.
Released June 10th, 2014. One player racing & mini-games.
Rated E10 for Everyone 10 and up.
Instead of a story-based adventure, this is just a series of mini-games. You get to fly through rings, shoot wooden dummies, retrieve sheep, and race other dragon riders. The low resolution and blurry textures expose this as a rushed and ported tie-in. The free flying feels nice but too much of the landscape is void of activities, and you can't tweak sensitivity or adjust speed. All 5 starting dragon/rider combos feel the same.
+ good voice acting (i think it's the same cast from the movie)
+ music is good
+ you can choose from 5 dragons right at the start...
- ...but they all feel the same
- unimpressive visuals scream rushed port
- mini-games get repetitive quickly
- some events require too high a score to progress the game
? why do all the dragons run out of fire/shots so fast
Avoid this game unless you just really love the movies and don't mind grinding mini-games over and over and then grabbing 300+ tokens. It's too difficult for a kiddie game, and the Achievements will take way too much time to be a waffler.