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Meta's comprehensive reviews: Amazing Spider-man 2
Game Review | May 1, 2014 3:40 am
Developed by Beenox, published by Activision, released April 29th, 2014. 1 player offline action. Rated T for Teen.
I don't like this game.
+ It's kind of cool that each trigger shoots webs independently
- Web-swinging is bad
- Wall-crawling is bad
- Combat is bad
- Voice acting is bad
- Graphics are bad
? How did they manage to make web-swinging so not-fun
? Beenox has already made 1 good Spider-man game and 2 decent ones, wtf happened here
This review is for the Xbox 360 version.
Full disclosure: I only played about 40 minutes of this.
Keywords: bestiality, taquitos, #hashtag, Flintstones vitamins; review
Archived: Article Discussion: Meta's comprehensive reviews: Amazing Spider-man 2
(Page 1 out of 4):
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 6:06 am | #2
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 6:54 am | #3
Man there is just too much funny Spiderman shit on the internet.
Re: Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 7:05 am | #4
Quote by Meta:
Man there is just too much funny Spiderman shit on the internet.

Yes there is!
...and it's so hot.
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 7:54 am | #5
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 9:54 am | #6
i like carange and he in the game so it took me some time to get use to this game but it pretty cool
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 12:09 pm | #7
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 12:13 pm | #8
Is this game at least worth a red box rental?
Re: Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 12:48 pm | #9
Quote by DeWayne:
Is this game at least worth a red box rental?
the game got a good story too it
Re: Re: Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 1:26 pm | #10
Quote by heathkilljoy:
Quote by DeWayne:
Is this game at least worth a red box rental?
the game got a good story too it
If you really like Spider-man games, I'd say yes, redbox it. The story involves the same people as the film, and then some, but they purposely went a different direction with it.
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 2:16 pm | #11
I had considered renting this for the One, but it appears that it's been shelved for the time being - this was announced like 10 days before the release.
Stranger still, it was on the Marketplace for download for a short period of time, but then removed.
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 2:20 pm | #12
What do you mean it's still on my marketplace for the one. It's coming out on hardcopy on the 9th.
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 3:25 pm | #13
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 5:37 pm | #14
Re: Meta's comprehensive reviews -- Amazing Spider-man 2
05/01/14 5:39 pm | #15
Watched people playing this on Xbox One on Twitch and it looked like absolute shit.
Good review.
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