Archived: Article Discussion: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
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Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/12/12 6:26 pm | #16
Yea, I really do. I love the hate mail the most. Kids calling me a no life when they have double my time played and nothing to show for it.
Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/12/12 6:27 pm | #17
Oh and good read Kat D'writer
Re: Re: End of the Xbox 360!
06/12/12 7:52 pm | #18
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I am sure this is going to happen within the next 24 months but I am not going to get it as soon as it comes out. I am will wait for the second generation 720's so that all of the bugs are out of it.
I agree with you, but I however, will not be able to resist.
Re: Re: Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/12/12 7:54 pm | #19
Quote by Nick:
Quote by AJ:
Besides, if anyone is going to be doing some good ole fashion raping, it's going to be me.
Can you rape me first?!?
Yes, yes I can/will.
Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/12/12 8:03 pm | #20
Kat always least that's what I, you know....heard!!!
Good read Kat.
I generally agree with much of this. But there are a lot of woman (and men) out there that put themselves, and portray themselves in an unflattering way which sets up many of the stereotypical views from the opposite sex. In my years, I have seen this seem to get worse with tweens. Society increasingly seems to judge everyone with "Politically Correct" values and tries to force everyone into it's mold. Those that can't conform, or just don't want to are cast to the side and labeled. I could go on and on, but more that one paragraph seems to be my limit for the day.
I have a necklace that I ware everyday that says.
Good read Kat.
I generally agree with much of this. But there are a lot of woman (and men) out there that put themselves, and portray themselves in an unflattering way which sets up many of the stereotypical views from the opposite sex. In my years, I have seen this seem to get worse with tweens. Society increasingly seems to judge everyone with "Politically Correct" values and tries to force everyone into it's mold. Those that can't conform, or just don't want to are cast to the side and labeled. I could go on and on, but more that one paragraph seems to be my limit for the day.
I have a necklace that I ware everyday that says.
Re: Re: Re: End of the Xbox 360!
06/12/12 8:07 pm | #21
Quote by Fat Strat Mann:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I am sure this is going to happen within the next 24 months but I am not going to get it as soon as it comes out. I am will wait for the second generation 720's so that all of the bugs are out of it.
I agree with you, but I however, will not be able to resist.

Oh, and Kat, great read. I somehow always forget to say it first...

Re: Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/12/12 8:49 pm | #22
Quote by TK Chillin:
Kat always least that's what I, you know....heard!!!
Good read Kat.
I generally agree with much of this. But there are a lot of woman (and men) out there that put themselves, and portray themselves in an unflattering way which sets up many of the stereotypical views from the opposite sex. In my years, I have seen this seem to get worse with tweens. Society increasingly seems to judge everyone with "Politically Correct" values and tries to force everyone into it's mold. Those that can't conform, or just don't want to are cast to the side and labeled. I could go on and on, but more that one paragraph seems to be my limit for the day.
I have a necklace that I ware everyday that says.
Good read Kat.
I generally agree with much of this. But there are a lot of woman (and men) out there that put themselves, and portray themselves in an unflattering way which sets up many of the stereotypical views from the opposite sex. In my years, I have seen this seem to get worse with tweens. Society increasingly seems to judge everyone with "Politically Correct" values and tries to force everyone into it's mold. Those that can't conform, or just don't want to are cast to the side and labeled. I could go on and on, but more that one paragraph seems to be my limit for the day.
I have a necklace that I ware everyday that says.
Oh, I agree... Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. I don't know if society wants to fit everyone into a mold of political correctness so much as political correctness is telling society that the only way it's ok to be different is if everyone else is doing it. Which is confusing, but- you know.
AJ, that just floors me. Why would you get hate mail for being at the top of the leaderboards? Someone has to be, don't they? I wonder if the #1 for every leaderboard for every game has the same problem, or if it's just the kind of people that Trails attracts. yes, that was intentional.
Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/13/12 12:09 pm | #23
Stereotypes and profiling save time. Fact.

Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/13/12 1:06 pm | #24
Awesome read Kat, as always. I've tossed ideas of what will happen when the 360 is succeeded around my head:
When it does release, I doubt I'll have any interest in the Xbox 7220/Durango/WTFEver right away: I have almost 100 still sealed 360 games I haven't gotten around to. What I am interested in is seeing how the old consoles will be supported when the new console rears its head.
Microsoft pulled the legs out from under the original Xbox by stopping development cold. Since then, the 360 has become not only a game console, but a media hub that I use for Netflix, On Demand, HBO Go and various other streaming video, as well as the ability to listen to music and much more. Will all of these services just die off when the 360 reaches its EOL? I imagine it would be quite difficult to keep up development for two separate consoles; Sony actively pushed to keep the PS2 alive when the PS3 was released, I'll have to give them kudos there. Even then, however, all development was mainly focused on the PS3 first, and the PS2 just hung around and fizzled.
Will the new system have the same dashboard interface? The same apps and functionality? Can Microsoft support services and apps for both consoles? I think many of those questions will be dependent on the penetration a new console has; the economy is in a much shittier place now than it was in 2005. If they push a new console that doesn't sell too hot, the scales could go one of two ways: Either 1) Microsoft focuses on the 360 for a while, alongside improving the 720 (for lack of a better name) and bringing down the price point or 2) They halt much development for the 360 in the hopes of blackmailing gamers into needing to upgrade, similar to Sony pushing the blu ray unit on gamers in the PS3. Of course, this is all speculation on my part.
I agree with Phil Spencer, in that some of the best titles come out when the console is aged like the 360 is. Compare the original Gears of War, the flagship 360 title that, for those of you that remember, Epic pushed Microsoft to have 512MB of memory instead of the originally planned 256, in order to make the game. Now, compare it to Gears 3, or any other recently released title: Gears looks quite dated by comparison. The same can be said with GR:AW, a 360 launch title, when compared to Future Soldier. Developers are beginning to learn how to develop for the console better and better because its been out for years and they have worked with it so much.
At first, the software couldn't match the hardware, while now we are going to see the exact opposite; the software will push the hardware to its limits. Those are when the best games of a console's gen are released. Take the PS2 again, for example. After the PS3 was released, we still saw
Tomb Raider: Legend - A game that was later ported to Next Gen
Bully - Again, same as Tomb Raider; so good it got ported to the 360.
Guitar Hero II - Yet again, ported to next gen.
God of War II
and several others. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see that with the OG Xbox. I hope that changes where the 360 is concerned.
When it does release, I doubt I'll have any interest in the Xbox 7220/Durango/WTFEver right away: I have almost 100 still sealed 360 games I haven't gotten around to. What I am interested in is seeing how the old consoles will be supported when the new console rears its head.
Microsoft pulled the legs out from under the original Xbox by stopping development cold. Since then, the 360 has become not only a game console, but a media hub that I use for Netflix, On Demand, HBO Go and various other streaming video, as well as the ability to listen to music and much more. Will all of these services just die off when the 360 reaches its EOL? I imagine it would be quite difficult to keep up development for two separate consoles; Sony actively pushed to keep the PS2 alive when the PS3 was released, I'll have to give them kudos there. Even then, however, all development was mainly focused on the PS3 first, and the PS2 just hung around and fizzled.
Will the new system have the same dashboard interface? The same apps and functionality? Can Microsoft support services and apps for both consoles? I think many of those questions will be dependent on the penetration a new console has; the economy is in a much shittier place now than it was in 2005. If they push a new console that doesn't sell too hot, the scales could go one of two ways: Either 1) Microsoft focuses on the 360 for a while, alongside improving the 720 (for lack of a better name) and bringing down the price point or 2) They halt much development for the 360 in the hopes of blackmailing gamers into needing to upgrade, similar to Sony pushing the blu ray unit on gamers in the PS3. Of course, this is all speculation on my part.
I agree with Phil Spencer, in that some of the best titles come out when the console is aged like the 360 is. Compare the original Gears of War, the flagship 360 title that, for those of you that remember, Epic pushed Microsoft to have 512MB of memory instead of the originally planned 256, in order to make the game. Now, compare it to Gears 3, or any other recently released title: Gears looks quite dated by comparison. The same can be said with GR:AW, a 360 launch title, when compared to Future Soldier. Developers are beginning to learn how to develop for the console better and better because its been out for years and they have worked with it so much.
At first, the software couldn't match the hardware, while now we are going to see the exact opposite; the software will push the hardware to its limits. Those are when the best games of a console's gen are released. Take the PS2 again, for example. After the PS3 was released, we still saw
Tomb Raider: Legend - A game that was later ported to Next Gen
Bully - Again, same as Tomb Raider; so good it got ported to the 360.
Guitar Hero II - Yet again, ported to next gen.
God of War II
and several others. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see that with the OG Xbox. I hope that changes where the 360 is concerned.
Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/13/12 3:09 pm | #25
Don't forget about possible changes to XBL and achievement system. I've read a lot of different opinions these last few months.
Some people think MS should increase the achievements and other people get rid of them altogether. (not going to happen)
Not everyone thinks that your GamerScore should migrate with your gamertag to a new system. They very well could start everyone with the new system out at Zero. Even though that would piss a lot of people off, it would make sense as an incentive to buy the new system and games early and not wait. (this could happen)
Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
Some people think MS should increase the achievements and other people get rid of them altogether. (not going to happen)
Not everyone thinks that your GamerScore should migrate with your gamertag to a new system. They very well could start everyone with the new system out at Zero. Even though that would piss a lot of people off, it would make sense as an incentive to buy the new system and games early and not wait. (this could happen)
Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/13/12 3:33 pm | #26
they won't wipe people's gamerscore, what would be the incentive? "get back to where you used to be!" yeah fuck that no thanks.
Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/14/12 2:08 am | #27
I pretty much agree with your take on the Sarkeesian issue Kat. There is quite the difference between archetypes and stereotypes and video games thrive on regurgitated archetypes. Unfortunately she picked a volatile time to bring up the issue. Anything that appears to draw attention to the sexual social debate during this election year is going to be the brunt of right wing extremist attacks which are just ridiculous. I actually find her arguments kind of silly compared to the much more serious issues that woman's rights activists are dealing with right now in our society. Going along with what you mentioned about us suffering from sequelitis, it all comes down to them making money on games that sell and I doubt that many people would be lining up to get their hands on Lara Croft vs The Glass Ceiling.
Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/14/12 4:31 am | #28

Re: Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/14/12 7:39 am | #29
Quote by TK Chillin:
Don't forget about possible changes to XBL and achievement system. I've read a lot of different opinions these last few months.
Some people think MS should increase the achievements and other people get rid of them altogether. (not going to happen)
Not everyone thinks that your GamerScore should migrate with your gamertag to a new system. They very well could start everyone with the new system out at Zero. Even though that would piss a lot of people off, it would make sense as an incentive to buy the new system and games early and not wait. (this could happen)
Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
Some people think MS should increase the achievements and other people get rid of them altogether. (not going to happen)
Not everyone thinks that your GamerScore should migrate with your gamertag to a new system. They very well could start everyone with the new system out at Zero. Even though that would piss a lot of people off, it would make sense as an incentive to buy the new system and games early and not wait. (this could happen)
Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
That's something I hadn't considered; Microsoft always touted Gamertags as a universal ID across multiple platforms. I highly doubt they would start everyone out at 0 for a new system, as that would be a PR nightmare for them. I wouldn't put it past them to update current Gamer Cards and such with two achievement numbers; possibly a green number representing your GS in 360 games, and a white representing your GS in Next Gen games, or something similar. We will just have to wait and see, but I'm definitely really curious to see the answers to all these questions.
Re: Re: Re: Kat's Korner- Episode Four
06/14/12 12:44 pm | #30
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
Quote by TK Chillin:
Don't forget about possible changes to XBL and achievement system. I've read a lot of different opinions these last few months.
Some people think MS should increase the achievements and other people get rid of them altogether. (not going to happen)
Not everyone thinks that your GamerScore should migrate with your gamertag to a new system. They very well could start everyone with the new system out at Zero. Even though that would piss a lot of people off, it would make sense as an incentive to buy the new system and games early and not wait. (this could happen)
Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
Some people think MS should increase the achievements and other people get rid of them altogether. (not going to happen)
Not everyone thinks that your GamerScore should migrate with your gamertag to a new system. They very well could start everyone with the new system out at Zero. Even though that would piss a lot of people off, it would make sense as an incentive to buy the new system and games early and not wait. (this could happen)
Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
That's something I hadn't considered; Microsoft always touted Gamertags as a universal ID across multiple platforms. I highly doubt they would start everyone out at 0 for a new system, as that would be a PR nightmare for them. I wouldn't put it past them to update current Gamer Cards and such with two achievement numbers; possibly a green number representing your GS in 360 games, and a white representing your GS in Next Gen games, or something similar. We will just have to wait and see, but I'm definitely really curious to see the answers to all these questions.
Two sets of achievement scores make the most sense. It's the safest option they have.