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Has the Achievement bubble burst?

Editorial | March 27, 2008 10:01 am
With one swipe of their sword on March 25th, Microsoft carved a big fat Scarlet C on the chests of a small group of the Achievement Gamesavers and opened a big can of worms at the same time. Since then, Xbox 360 community forums have been ablaze with admitted Gamesavers defending their craft, those that are drilling them for being cheats and a lot of questions asking Was it enough?

When the achievement system first came about, it was seen as a means to stay interested in games, create a sense of accomplishment and, for awhile, a status symbol to have a high Gamerscore. Unfortunately, the last couple of years have seen issues and exploits within the Achievement System eating away at its integrity. With the Gamesavers starting to be addressed, these topics have begun to bubble to the surface as Xbox Live members everywhere are discussing the justice being served.

Unfortunately, the actions taken by Microsoft this week only scratch the surface of what needs to be done to help the Achievement System get back to its desired state. If you really think about it, Microsoft had to take these actions because developers have essentially ignored the spirit of the Achievement and created an environment conducive to cheating (Gamesaves) or Boosting. Here are a few unsolicited suggestions that I think would dramatically improve the future pursuit of Achievements:

Finish off the Gamesavers
Any Gamesavers that werent picked up in the initial sweep by Microsoft should be cowering in a corner right now. There have been many opinions regarding the punishment fitting the crime, but the key here is that Gamesavers have now been put on notice Twice by Microsoft. Once with a warning from Major Nelson back in October 2007, and now with the hammer getting dropped on the worst of the worst of the Gamesavers. I noticed they didn't go after everyone in this first sweep, just the very obvious and blatant ones that 100% met their criteria. With Gamesavers talking smack in the forums and boasting that they wont get caught or will go down in flames, the time is right to finish them off. At this point in time, it would be prudent for ALL game savers to stop the practice immediately, as Microsoft has backed up their previous warning and proven they have the means to implement a very drastic penalty. Going forward, anyone that continues to gamesave is not dealing with reality and opening themselves up to the same actions. There should be no whining or complaining when the hammer falls, as from this point forward Gamesavers are just begging to get their ass Pwned by Microsoft.

Eliminate or drastically reduce the amount of online and multi-player achievements
This one has several benefits for all sorts of gamers. Whether you love online multiplayer, or would rather immerse yourself in a single-player campaign, drastically reducing multiplayer Achievements will make many people happy. The campaign fanatics will start feeling the love again by not seeing more than half of the achievement points assigned to multiplayer. Couple this with more creative Achievements, and playing through the game could take on new dimensions. As for improving the Multiplayer environment (Im not including Co-Op), it helps in two ways. People that enjoy, but are not good at, multi-player wont be excluded from achievements because their skills or time commitment wont allow it. The second reason is to eliminate the ridiculous amount of boosting that is going on in public games. I know from personal experience and having read in forums, people are complaining (the latest is R6V2) that they are booted from public matches because it is controlled by a group of people that are only trying to boost their Gamerscore. You eliminate the boosters from public games, and it will create a much better matchmaking and public game environment. For those that say the Multiplayer will suffer without achievements, I give you Call of Duty 4. It is a fantastic example of how a games Achievements can have some creativity, yet work through the flow of a single-player campaign without having to grind. Currently, there are not any online achievements (that could change with DLC), but the Multiplayer is not only flourishing, but dominating LIVE.

Developers need to get more creative with their Achievements
To me this is common sense. I kind of understood the first year or so of the Xbox 360s life cycle, but we are approaching the end of year three and we are still getting crap achievements that are lazy, unimaginative or just plain lame. Showing some creativity would not only enhance the gameplay experience, but inspire people to figure out how to accomplish the achievement, but spawn interest and a whole new wave of You Tube inspired home movies. Is it really that hard to come up with shooting all the TV screens in Call of Duty 4, or climbing and leaping off the Agency Tower and landing in the pond at its base in Crackdown? This is simple, yet great stuff to look for or accomplish while playing the games.

Eliminate Grinding for Achievements
This has to be one of my biggest turnoffs when trying to get an achievement. I hate grinding, plain and simple. When I have to grind, the game is no longer fun and becomes a chore. In addition to having to get an obscene amount of the same style kill, or games played or wins, playing a game multiple times stinks. If you beat a game on its highest setting, then automatically award the achievements for beating it on the lower settings. Having to play through a game three or four times for that last bit of points is plain silly and once again leads to people using whatever means necessary.

Make the Achievements achievable
This is another pet peeve of mine. There have been many reasons over the years why Achievements couldnt be earned, including glitches, completing tasks out of order or just general poor design. This would be fixed in my mind if Microsoft either implements a certification process for Achievements, or starts holding developers accountable to strict guidelines so achievements are working as expected out of the box.

Create more strict guidelines and a Certification process for Xbox 360 Achievements
I saved this for last because I know this will be controversial suggestion, especially from the developers and the people that dont like Big Brother. However, if the developers are going to continue to be lazy and uncreative when coming up with Achievements for their games, then Microsoft needs to step in and provide a guideline for what is, and what is not, acceptable as an achievement for an Xbox 360 title. Zero point and free achievements, as well as slapping a number on a multiplayer action (10,000 kills, headshots, games played as a character, etc) just step on the spirit of the achievement and lead to people taking whatever action is necessary to reach those goals. For Microsoft to start leaning on developers to try and make achievements that do not promote Gamesavers, Boosting or Grinding would go a long way toward improving both the Achievement and Multiplayer systems.

I know there are those that will say that Achievements mean nothing to them and their Gamerscore is just a number, but the reality is that the current environment has moved us to a point that Gamerscore no longer is a fun accomplishment to strive for. Achievements can, and should be fun, but there are too many issues with the system right now that need addressed.

Got a comment? Throw it below....

Originally posted at GamingNexus.com
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Archived: Article Discussion: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?

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Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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See see!!! This is why i love this guy!!!! its like he in my head reading all my thoughts to the T!!! This is exactly how they need to fix the problem
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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Great article Z.

I think the gamesavers should be reset regardless of whether they continue to gamesave. If the gamesavers stop now and don't get their gamerscores reset, gamerscores will still mean nothing. They broke the rules and there is no reason to withhold punishment.
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
Burnt Waffle
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Well put, the only thing i can really see being problematic is fixing broken achievements, i feel like if it was that easy, they'd have fixed broken ones already, I think the guidelines and better testing are a great idea tho
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Logic FTW!

You hit on pretty much every major point, bro. For me, the "backwards difficulty" topic is probably the one that makes the most sense. I'm glad that a game like Halo 3 did this, but I haven't seen it much from other games.

The fact that a game like Guitar Hero 3 didn't have it is ridiculous, considering that a very large percentage of people who bought that game are probably starting it off on Hard or Expert. Why in the world would I want to go back and play it on Easy or Medium when it will simply be boring as hell?
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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hey i like my free achievement i got for just starting the Simpson's game lol
i think right on the money on all your points here
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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true true.

but i still dont know what you do to gamesave
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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Well said Z!

I think the simpson achievement was a nice touch on there part. The game was targeted for a younger audiance. How many little tikes do you think got to play there big bother or dad's 360 for the first time with that game. There first achievement just like daddy gets would be something that will never be forgoten. The start of the stoies of a new generation of gamers.
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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damn straight i think thats better said then i ever could
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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I agree with 5 parts of your 6 part plan. 5 outta 6 that's not bad. (sorry but I like grinding)
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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we DO NOT need easy achievments, they ruin gamerscore challenges and leagues, achievments should be a reward for the hardcore fans of the game, they should be the only ones completing these games, they should reflect skill, no need to baby them. Boosting isn't cheating if the community is dead, its the only option, its only cheating if there is a good sized community

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Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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Quote by Diamondcut20:

we DO NOT need easy achievments, they ruin gamerscore challenges and leagues, achievments should be a reward for the hardcore fans of the game, they should be the only ones completing these games, they should reflect skill, no need to baby them. Boosting isn't cheating if the community is dead, its the only option, its only cheating if there is a good sized community

I am not asking for easier achievements, just more creative ones and less dependency on multiplayer.

I'm also confused why you are touting unlocking achievements as being a reward for hardcore fans, yet turning around and saying that boosting is the only option if the community is dead. How hardcore can someone be if they have to boost to push up their Gamerscore?

If you notice what I am saying, I feel that boosting is a byproduct of achievements that force you to grind in multiplayer games, especially if it is an older title that not my fans are playing....if there is no need to get a crapload of multiplayer kills or games played as a certain character, then there is no need to boost...
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I agree with all of this except that I enjopy some of the goofy/stupid free Achievements like PRess Start in The Simpsons or fall down a manhole in TMNT 89 arcade, but i also like how they are worth little or no points and are just for fun, as it ought to be. Only in extreme cases, or 2k6 games ha, should 'big brother' be brought in to regulate Achievements. The main thing is no more "be an annoying asshole in a ranked online match with strangers x number of times"
Re: Editorial: Has the Achievement bubble burst?
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Quote by Diamondcut20:

we DO NOT need easy achievments, they ruin gamerscore challenges and leagues, achievments should be a reward for the hardcore fans of the game, they should be the only ones completing these games, they should reflect skill, no need to baby them. Boosting isn't cheating if the community is dead, its the only option, its only cheating if there is a good sized community

OK, hold on a second. I have all kinds of problems with this kind of thinking. You say we don't need ANY easy achievements. Who gets to decide whats easy and whats hard. Something that is very easy for you might have me pulling my hair out. Also why should someone not as skilled as you not get to enjoy the achievement system. It needs to have something for everyone no matter what there skill level is. Oh here is the best part. You think that achievements should only be for HARDCORE players ONLY as they should be the ONLY people to finish a game. Well just what is hardcore. I here it all the time but does anyone really know what it is. There are some people who play alot, does that make them hardcore. There are some who have every system and every game ever made, does that make them hardcore. And don't forget about the people that play all day, are they hardcore. The people that know me (friends, family, and co-workers) they think I'm hardcore, but I don't think so. I play games when I'm home, but I wouldn't stand a chance in a Halo 3 or CoD 4 tourney. (I'll kick your ass in ace combat 6 though) NO, I think that if XBL was run your way there wouldn't be a community at all. And the last I heard their's like 10 million of us on xbox live. So the community is going strong, but I can see why no one wants to play with you!!!
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