Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Mercury Ice:
The person has something to hide if they slow down like that.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Are you going for the 1k? You are in for some serious shit if you do! The 5 pointers are nothing compared to Little Rocket Man, protecting all buildings at the silo and killing the 4289098665565652 grubs! :/
Quote by Michael:
Quote by Mercury Ice:
The person has something to hide if they slow down like that.
That was my thought the first few times I saw this happen, but I've been working there for 3 and a half years and it has happened every single time besides maybe 5 or 10 times. I'm being dead series. Do the math. 5 days a week, 3.5 years, that's 910 times I've passed that place one way. 1820 both ways. And 5 or 10 times this has not happened. I just don't think 1810 people have something to hide. Not in one small area like that.
Quote by Mercury Ice:
Quote by Michael:
The person has something to hide if they slow down like that.
That was my thought the first few times I saw this happen, but I've been working there for 3 and a half years and it has happened every single time besides maybe 5 or 10 times. I'm being dead series. Do the math. 5 days a week, 3.5 years, that's 910 times I've passed that place one way. 1820 both ways. And 5 or 10 times this has not happened. I just don't think 1810 people have something to hide. Not in one small area like that.
There could be a variety of things. No License, no insurance, expired tag, one more ticket you lose your license, dumbass drivers, and what I said previously, riding dirty. People are like that around barracks. I used to be the same way, especially when I used to ride dirty. I came to the realization that even if you slow down, the cops have already got your speed limit.
Quote by Michael:
Quote by Mercury Ice:
That was my thought the first few times I saw this happen, but I've been working there for 3 and a half years and it has happened every single time besides maybe 5 or 10 times. I'm being dead series. Do the math. 5 days a week, 3.5 years, that's 910 times I've passed that place one way. 1820 both ways. And 5 or 10 times this has not happened. I just don't think 1810 people have something to hide. Not in one small area like that.
There could be a variety of things. No License, no insurance, expired tag, one more ticket you lose your license, dumbass drivers, and what I said previously, riding dirty. People are like that around barracks. I used to be the same way, especially when I used to ride dirty. I came to the realization that even if you slow down, the cops have already got your speed limit.
By the time you see them, they've already started filling out the ticket.

Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Are you going for the 1k? You are in for some serious shit if you do! The 5 pointers are nothing compared to Little Rocket Man, protecting all buildings at the silo and killing the 4289098665565652 grubs! :/

Also, I can play it on 'easy' and I have 'God mode' enabled.

Quote by kroberts11:
I got a buyer for $600, Kait. Looks like the strippers are one me!!!!
... Oh my!!!
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by theEVOL1:
Are you going for the 1k? You are in for some serious shit if you do! The 5 pointers are nothing compared to Little Rocket Man, protecting all buildings at the silo and killing the 4289098665565652 grubs! :/

Also, I can play it on 'easy' and I have 'God mode' enabled.

Oh, the difficulty is not the issue with the ones I mentioned!

Quote by Kat:
Quote by kroberts11:
I got a buyer for $600, Kait. Looks like the strippers are one me!!!!
... Oh my!!!
I was just there, but I am always willing to go again

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