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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 2:37 am | #6736
When DLC is announced for a game that isn't even out yet.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 5:53 am | #6737
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Trying to play SimCity and can't. It's been out since Tuesday and I've been lucky enough to get in 3 hours. My city got deleted so I started a new one and now I'm stuck in an infinite loop of loading screens. I've tried numerous times to play the game.
Since that wasn't working I decided to play SimCity 4 and when I grab the disc, Disc 1 is gone. So I can't install that.
Now that I'm fed up with trying to play SimCity I turn on the 360 and put in Aliens only to find out that my save file is gone and I am back to level 1. I'm raging at this point, so I put in Dead Island and now that damn save file is gone. WTF????

Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:11 am | #6738
What grinds my gears is trying to sell my car and getting low balled by these people. I'm asking $600. That means I want $600. Not $300, not $400. $600. I could part it out for more than some of these offers!!!! Meanwhile I've raised my asking price to $800. :/
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:16 am | #6739
The Orange Box grinds my gears. I have 51 out of 99 (yeah, really 99) achievements and a GS of 370. There are a LOT of 5 point achievements in this game.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:16 am | #6740
Quote by Kat:
What grinds my gears is trying to sell my car and getting low balled by these people. I'm asking $600. That means I want $600. Not $300, not $400. $600. I could part it out for more than some of these offers!!!! Meanwhile I've raised my asking price to $800. :/
$800? I'll give you $37, a pack of envelopes and three jawbreakers. I'll pick it up this afternoon. Thank.
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:18 am | #6741
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Kat:
What grinds my gears is trying to sell my car and getting low balled by these people. I'm asking $600. That means I want $600. Not $300, not $400. $600. I could part it out for more than some of these offers!!!! Meanwhile I've raised my asking price to $800. :/
$800? I'll give you $37, a pack of envelopes and three jawbreakers. I'll pick it up this afternoon. Thank.
Shit thats too much also
Kat, how about $1, a 40oz and some envelopes?
Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:25 am | #6742
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by theEVOL1:
$800? I'll give you $37, a pack of envelopes and three jawbreakers. I'll pick it up this afternoon. Thank.
Shit thats too much also
Kat, how about $1 and some envelopes?

How about this? I'll come over and steal it, and then spraypaint a dick and balls on your garage door. Final offer.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:27 am | #6743
What the hell??? Everytime I try to post I'm logged in as Evol somehow?!?!??? This is really annoying!!! Evol are you in my freaking house or stealing my wifi or something???
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:29 am | #6744
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Detroit:
Shit thats too much also
Kat, how about $1 and some envelopes?

How about this? I'll come over and steal it, and then spraypaint a dick and balls on your garage door. Final offer.
A threw a 40 in on my edit lol!
How bout we all just share it. Its all of ours but we can just keep it at my house.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:29 am | #6745
Quote by Kat:
What the hell??? Everytime I try to post I'm logged in as Evol somehow?!?!??? This is really annoying!!! Evol are you in my freaking house or stealing my wifi or something???
Sounds like someone is abusing her mod powers!
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 9:32 am | #6746
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Kat:
What the hell??? Everytime I try to post I'm logged in as Evol somehow?!?!??? This is really annoying!!! Evol are you in my freaking house or stealing my wifi or something???
Sounds like someone is abusing her mod powers!
Sounds like someone is abusing his douche powers.
On topic, someone wrote to ask what I'll take for it. I guess he means besides my asking price and that I wrote "no offers under $500 considered..."
I'll tell him $5000, I guess. I'll take $5000.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 11:58 am | #6747
I'll take you to the Canadian strippers in exchange for your car... that is almost worth $600... ish? Depending on how our night goes!
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 10:44 pm | #6748
Lego Harry Potter grinds my gears. I have 166/167 characters, only to discover the one character I need I already unlocked, he's just glitched. So to complete the game I'm gonna need to restart the whole thing. Fuck Lego Harry Potter.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/08/13 11:09 pm | #6749
What grinds my gears?
People that play Gears of War 3 Horde mode and don't plan to go pass Wave 10 and at Wave 11 they quit.
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