Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Minioger:

Can I get a lift to work? There's a few buildings on the way I wouldn't mind leveling.
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Minioger:

Can I get a lift to work? There's a few buildings on the way I wouldn't mind leveling.
No, you shoot vehicles that I am in. It usually does not end well. Unless JesusNinja is driving, then it usually works better.
Ugh my homework grinds my gears. 11 pages of retyping medical terms/definitions is killing me. I've literally spent 3+ hours on this one assignment and there are 3 more due this week just for the one class!
Quote by AJ:

Not to mention he's one of the X360A people.
I want my 1000 medal achievement!
Edit: Note I am earning the medals on the later disc, its just not adding them to my medal counts

Quote by Minioger:
I want my 1000 medal achievement!
Edit: Note I am earning the medals on the later disc, its just not adding them to my medal counts

Same thing happened to me. None of the fixes worked either. I finally just sent that crap back to gamefly. My wife loved that game but then the DLC ruined it for her.
Quote by Ricky:
Quote by Minioger:
I want my 1000 medal achievement!
Edit: Note I am earning the medals on the later disc, its just not adding them to my medal counts

Same thing happened to me. None of the fixes worked either. I finally just sent that crap back to gamefly. My wife loved that game but then the DLC ruined it for her.
Weird, switched mics and it started counting them again. Still missed out on the ones that I already sang, but at least I got my 1000 medal acheivement!
Now just 1500 medals, 150000 stars, 200000 stars and the European DLC

Oh and 20 challenge wins.....damn and I still need 6 more medals for the highest rank....bah! I quit!
Quote by Melissa Evol:

Ooh the same game with a massive DLC repackaged as a new retail title!
Why oh why did Atlus publish it?
......probably pick it up eventually and double up on the 1k

Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Minioger:
Ooh the same game with a massive DLC repackaged as a new retail title!
Why oh why did Atlus publish it?
......probably pick it up eventually and double up on the 1k

At least it's only $40. But I held onto my disk in case DLC came out, and now I know it's NOT coming out.
I'm picking it up when Portal 2 comes out- it's our day to ignore our "No first day release purchases." Of course D2 will probably already have dropped, so technically I won't be ignoring it. And Evol will still be the bad guy! Mwah-hahahahahahaha
Bah we should talk RPGs more. I knew for months and months there was no DLC being released except in a retail package. It was released in Europe a while ago if memory serves. It was announced at least a couple months ago it was finally coming to the US.
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Minioger:

Can I get a lift to work? There's a few buildings on the way I wouldn't mind leveling.
I want the keys to that vehicle.
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