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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 12:22 am | #2836
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Taco:
people who ask you to do shit for em, then not return the favor, not even once, because they 'had plans' -.-
yesterday, i was told at the last minute i had to wait for my brother (who, btw, is 2 years old then me) to have some stupid skills usa thing. ok, whatever. i was w/ my girlfriend, so i wasnt totally bored like i wouldve been...then this morning, hes like "oh yea, i have another skills usa thing tomorrow, and i need to borrow your dress shirt" (he doesnt have one) n im like "um...k..." so i asked him in return if he could pick up my da2 copy for me (since i was staying after school n wouldnt get the chance) i mean i know he told me he had plans w/ his gf, but i mean, he sees her EVERY DAY. i dont think she would get THAT pissed off if he took 15 mins longer to get to her, if he was helping me. i asked him last week, yesterday, this morning, and sent a txt after school to remind him.
get home, no game. txt him to ask if he got it. no reply. call. no reply. mom calls, twice. no reply. mom takes me to get the game myself. asshole brother doesnt say shit and makes up excuses.
fucking selfish asshole. i dont care if hes family, and hes the only one i got, or any of that other family shit they always tell me. hes a selfish asshole who couldnt give a shit about 95% of the things i say/ask him to do (or really anyone besides our mom, unless of course it benifits him)...but yet i HAVE to do shit he wants me to -.-
fuck you, dude. fuck. you.
You don't HAVE to do what he wants you to. You DO do it. (heh heh, do do... no time to laugh about it now!)
You could have said yes and not followed through, the same as he did, but you aren't that person. You aren't selfish, you don't have your head up your ass, and you value your family over anything else. He doesn't. Whether it's because of his age (most people have their heads REALLY high up their asses at 18) or just because he's an asshole, I can't say... but I know that if you change who you are because of his actions, that reflects worse on you than on him.
Just keep being you, and hope he snaps out of it! At least your mom has your back!
well see the biggest problem is, the only thing hes asked me to do that i could say no to, was let him use my dress shirt...because its MINE, and i dont have to let him use it (doesnt matter now cause he apparently has one. but if he didnt i DEFF wouldnt let him use it) but the other two, the skills usa bs, i had no choice in the matter. hes my ride home. if hes not leaving, i cant leave either....
so i mean, he actually had the choice to say yes but not follow through n stuff...i dont really have the chance xD
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 2:50 am | #2837
1) Learn Muay Thai
2) Tiger Uppercut!
3) ????
4) Profit
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 2:52 am | #2838
People with god awful internet connections who roll online in Halo.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 5:49 am | #2840
Quote by Durtie:
I made it to round 24 tonight in zombies with three of my buddies. One went down and I told my friend to leave him. He had to be a hero and got down his self. I'm running around doing great, then a gang of zombies hit me hard. I pulled out my Mustang and Sally (grenade launcher pistols) and I accidently downed myself, lol. The first time thats ever happened to me. Fuck my life, we had a good team that could go the distance.
damn Bro.Thats Harsh.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 9:44 am | #2842
Quote by Melissa Evol:
There are NOT enough hours in the day! I absolutely can't get enough sleep if I do everything I want to do! Especially if my kids are going to disturb the sleep I DO get! This morning, the baby woke up screaming at 6 am... a nightmare, we think. It took me 1/2 an hour to get him calmed down and back to bed, and then I was standing there looking at the clock, wondering if I should go to bed for the next 45 minutes or stay up?!?!?!? I decided to go to bed, ended up hitting snooze too many times, and got my son up late. Now I'm exhausted, but I know if I go back to sleep with Evol until the baby wakes up, I'll sleep too long. He has a habit of sleeping until noon if no one wakes him. Grrr. I need to go to sleep earlier, but then I miss out on spending time with Evol when he gets home.
So, the answer is... I droop all day, and wish I'd developed the taste for coffee at some point in my life.

Tea has caffeine. Just not as much as coffee. You could always try that.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 9:52 am | #2843
Quote by Melissa Evol:
There are NOT enough hours in the day! I absolutely can't get enough sleep if I do everything I want to do! Especially if my kids are going to disturb the sleep I DO get! This morning, the baby woke up screaming at 6 am... a nightmare, we think. It took me 1/2 an hour to get him calmed down and back to bed, and then I was standing there looking at the clock, wondering if I should go to bed for the next 45 minutes or stay up?!?!?!? I decided to go to bed, ended up hitting snooze too many times, and got my son up late. Now I'm exhausted, but I know if I go back to sleep with Evol until the baby wakes up, I'll sleep too long. He has a habit of sleeping until noon if no one wakes him. Grrr. I need to go to sleep earlier, but then I miss out on spending time with Evol when he gets home.
So, the answer is... I droop all day, and wish I'd developed the taste for coffee at some point in my life.

There are other options available to you for caffeine. Red bull? 5 Hour Energy Drinks? Amp? Or fuck it, just suck down a bunch of sugar.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 11:31 am | #2845
Quote by Durtie:
I made it to round 24 tonight in zombies with three of my buddies. One went down and I told my friend to leave him. He had to be a hero and got down his self. I'm running around doing great, then a gang of zombies hit me hard. I pulled out my Mustang and Sally (grenade launcher pistols) and I accidently downed myself, lol. The first time thats ever happened to me. Fuck my life, we had a good team that could go the distance.
Damn Durtie, that sucks. I bet ya it was that hoodlum Antwan that was trying to a hero, am I right? You should have heard all the trash he was talking during the Gears boost last night.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 3:59 pm | #2846
What grinds my gears - People are stupid. They just are. A client that I worked my ass off for gave me a check in pencil today. He shrugged and said "The bank will take it." I deposited it in the ATM and I will be AMAZED if it clears. I used to work at a bank. Assistant manger. Suit + tie. (I still can't believe it.) I would have never accepted that in my branch. We'll see what happens.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 4:00 pm | #2847
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
What grinds my gears - People are stupid.

Up here they are completely unable to drive in the rain.....
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 4:38 pm | #2848
The discussion sparker award grinds my gears... It turns already annoying douches into super fucking annoying douches.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
03/09/11 4:40 pm | #2850
Quote by AJ:
The discussion sparker award grinds my gears... It turns already annoying douches into super fucking annoying douches.
If people put thought into a thread and earn it the hard way then I give them kudos, but to blatantly state "Hey I'm making a shit thread, so bump it so I get an award," is just dumb.
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