muhamor-griboc grinds my
Quote by muhamor-griboc:
synbreed are influenced by meshuggah but they have a different sound especialy in 2nd album . i think SYNBREED better then sybreed and meshuggah . they are the craziest band on TERRA
Quote by Chaindinsanity:
well muhamor-griboc you can suck my big Irish cack, because Synthetic will never come close to the sheer superiority of Sybreed. and the fact you said they are better than Meshuggah offends me even more. you sir, need to GTFO. go on now. go back to your emo friends. go on. shoo. and IdentizicK again, they can be influenced by em, but they dont SOUND like em. i mean, Metalien is influenced HEAVILY by Meshuggah(and if you havent heard the EP they have out, i highly recommend picking the song up. it gived Catch Thirty-three a run for its money regarding the atmosphere of the song) and they sound JUST like em. but at least Synthetic isnt trying to impersonate them like another band i know.....
Quote by IdentizicK:
I'm not saying they are trying to be Meshuggah, they are influenced by them and you can tell. You're really misunderstanding what I said. -_-
Quote by muhamor-griboc:
chaindinsanity fuck you man !! you are stupid child trying to be more smart but from your fucking mouth i hear only bullshit muthafucka!!! all what i said about meshuggah and sybreed its only my opinion and i dont suppose others to think like me .
Quote by bumbleball:
Synthetic Breed are not better than Meshuggah. Sybreed are not better than Synthetic Breed. Meshuggah are not the ultimate. A lot of bands sound like Meshuggah clones nowadays, only jumping on the bandwagon for a piece of the big pie. Those will disappear sooner or later anyway. Taste is relative, and highly individual, and not a matter of kicking anyone's butt just because someone dislikes a band another one likes. @ muhamor-griboc: You only seem to defend Synthetic Breed (not Synbreed, please!) but you haven't even scobbled any track by them, the only track you have in your profile is not a Synthetic Breed track. It's hard to believe you are actually a (serious) fan/supporter of the band. So, you should not state something you can't back up.
Quote by IdentizicK:
I agree fully with bumbleball. Meshuggah, Sybreed and Synthetic Breed all have their differences and qualities. I'd rather not see both here and Sybreed's shoutbox end up in some silly shitfest.
Quote by bumbleball:
Thanks, IdentizicK. And yeah,shoutboxes of particular bands are full of elitism, stupid posts and negativity just because some people think they have the ultimate whatever-floats-their-boats...

Quote by muhamor-griboc:
bumbleball i want say its not important what track i have in my profile because i dont listen to music right here on . i realy like Synthetic Breed( how you like to write this name) and its only my opinion that they are the best . whats problem ?! i dont understand .
Quote by muhamor-griboc:
chaindinsanity shut up your fucking mouth and get out of here muthafucka bitch
Quote by bumbleball:
@ muhamor-griboc: I don't have a problem with it. It is just hard to believe you are a Synthetic Breed fan. Why don't you play music here at However, if you would like to be treated nicely, you should not lash out with comments like your last one. That's low level. And yes, Synthetic Breed is their name.

Quote by IdentizicK:
Not to mention, Synthetic Breed had the band name before Slave Design came out, so even that doesn't mean much either. Also, bumbleball, you pretty much summed up in a nutshell. =P
Quote by muhamor-griboc:
yes of corse SYNTHETIC BREED appeared before SYBREED
Quote by Chaindinsanity:
@bumbleball you sir, are at least level headed. i am glad. and @IdentizicK i would like to point out that Sybreed was originally called "Rain" before 2004, released 2 albums (3 Track Promo EP and Bioactive EP), renamed in '04. Rain still has 3 songs not Remade which are: Contamination, Deleted Memories, and System Debaser. worth a listen. and finally, @muhamor-griboc please read you shoutbox. i would rather fight you there than on a Synthetic Breed page. again, GTFO you troll. go troll somewhere else on the internet, and stop trying to pick fights over opinions. good day sir!

the best part is we fight over NOTHING. i just feel like Sybreed is better than Synthetic Breed, but Meshuggah tops them both. gotta love interwebz kids. xD