Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
need a hug Dusty....I do

And a kiss, if you don't mind.
only if you don't mind haha
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
only if you don't mind haha
Damn, it just got real gay up in here! Its cool, I still love ya though. But not in a gay way. More of a manly extreme driving your car fast drinking beers fucking bitches kinda way.
bro-five the whole time lol

1. When I get an out-of-state call my CALLER ID does not show the "1", so if I want to save it to my phone's memory, I have to edit it.
2. When I call a cell phone number on a different city, but same state I'm in, sometimes it asks me to dial "1", sometimes it doesn't.
3. If I place a call (like in the statement above) and I did not dial "1", I get this message: "we're sorry, you must first dial 1 plus the area code when calling this number, would you please hang up and try again?" (would you kindly, anyone?)
So that means that the machine KNOWS the number I want to call, because it knows it's missing a "1", SO WHY THE HELL DOESN'T PATCH THE CALL THROUGH ANYWAY?
If i find where they keep this bitch, I'm gonna go Sarah Connor on her ass!

the first one, my phone. when i leave school ill start txting my gf n stuff...its all fine, no issues sending a txt or anything...then suddenly we hit this one spot and it has lots of issues sending them. the sad part is, i live not even 2 minutes from a sprint tower!!!! but it has issues! ill have to place my phone in like certain parts of my room n stuff for it to send a text. and its always done this too. idfk why. its really stupid tho
second, faux religious people. i hate those who are all "oh im christian/buddhist/wtfever" but then dont even follow their religions teachings. its even worse when i point them out, hoping to correct their error and make them better religious people (if youre going to believe it, you might as well believe it right) and then they get mad at me when i bring in biblical verses to help back me up. this one chick on my fb, got mad at this teach of hers or something for "claiming christians took noahs ark from the egyptians and showing a video on abraham that said a bunch of untrue stuff and it just made me mad" and so i pointed out she shouldnt be mad. she should be a good christian, stay quiet, because she should know what the bible says happens to them and she shouldnt worry. then i quoted 2 bible verses to help back that up and said she shouldnt be a fake believer. she wasnt happy w/ that, and thats ironic how a non-christian has to tell one who claims to be christian how to be a better christian

EDIT: Minus 5, to a plus 1. Impressive. Lets give the secret troll society a hand!
Maybe people were voting it down because he tried to sneak in 2 things?
Quote by Meta:
Maybe people were voting it down because he tried to sneak in 2 things?
whatd i sneak in? i must not have done it intentionally xD cause idk watchu talkin bout
also, lol @ me apparently getting a -5 but i never saw it
Or maybe they were voting it down because they thought that chick you "helped" was lame.
I agree with Detroit Sniper though--the secret troll freemason society is probably responsible, and their means are pretty fuckin' inscrutable.
Quote by Meta:
Or maybe they were voting it down because they thought that chick you "helped" was lame.
I agree with Detroit Sniper though--the secret troll freemason society is probably responsible, and their means are pretty fuckin' inscrutable.
the chick is stupid. its really ironic now. 2 other people are involved in the conversation and tell me i need to stop arguing over religion...
i look back on it, and idk where im arguing. im telling her how to be a better christian. being pro-christian, is now arguing it...? wat on earth? i mean now if i said something like "christianity is a stupid religion full of mindless sheep" THATS arguing religion. but im being pro-christian, and trying to help someone be a better christian...and people are getting mad over it...? and IM the bad person for not being christian at all...? wtf
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