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Closed: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
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Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/05/11 3:52 pm | #2461
Quote by HackedInPieces:
Quote by AJ:
SUCKS. What is the vampire perk anyways? You lose your shield or health or something?
You gotta kill to stay alive
Yeahh, your health is constantly going down but when you kill an enemy it regenerates it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/05/11 3:55 pm | #2462
Quote by kroberts11:
Quote by HackedInPieces:
You gotta kill to stay alive
Yeahh, your health is constantly going down but when you kill an enemy it regenerates it.

Have fun redo-ing that one!
Re: Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/05/11 4:27 pm | #2463
Quote by AJ:
Quote by kroberts11:
The stupid Vampire perk shit on Borderlands in the Underdome arenas... I was doing my first large one, and was on round 16, and wasn't paying attention to the tv for a minute, I looked up, and I was dead because of it... bunch of wasted time doing that shit only to fuck up.
SUCKS. What is the vampire perk anyways? You lose your shield or health or something?
vampire removes your shield and you lose health, or thats how i remember it
except, i never had that problem. altho me and my friend, when we were doing it, had a really weird/diff issue. we both had modded shields, only mine was an OMEGA MOD and he had uhh...i think a modded panacea or shredder or artifact or something, i cant recall. they both had the same number for shield points, but mine was better. when she threw naked or vampire at us, hed lose his shield and health and stuff, i was never touched/affected by anything of that sort. the only thing that affect me was like the other stuff (low gravity, speed, etc etc)
larger challenges were NOT fun tho...thats for sure
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/05/11 8:01 pm | #2464
I never lost my shield for anything, even naked. It was nice, until I didn't pay attention to the stupid roulette thing. *sigh* Oh well!
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/05/11 8:38 pm | #2465
Quote by kroberts11:
I never lost my shield for anything, even naked. It was nice, until I didn't pay attention to the stupid roulette thing. *sigh* Oh well!
lol your shield must suck then, i didnt lose it for ANYTHING not even vampire 
maybe its cause im just awesome like that? lolololol
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/05/11 9:21 pm | #2466
I don't lose my shield, I lose health because that's what the perk is.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/05/11 9:45 pm | #2467
Quote by kroberts11:
I don't lose my shield, I lose health because that's what the perk is.
lol well thats what i meant then. i dont lose anything. no shield on naked, no health on vampire, nothing
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/06/11 12:07 am | #2468
God damnit, I was watching a stream of UFC 126 online, and right before Silva/Belfort started the damn stream was taken down!
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/06/11 12:18 am | #2469
Underdome is the worst DLC ever, I left one of my low level characters online in a game while I went to work one nite and let my dedicated friend with his high level character do the last two tourneys and when I got home he had completed it like an hour before and passed out for the night. Great success 
These stupid ass Geico commercials with the weird creepy dude with the annoying voice are getting a bit overplayed/giving me a headache before youtube videos.
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/07/11 4:06 am | #2470
Ads on Pandora Radio. I'm tired as fuck right now, and listening to metal is the only thing keeping me up, so I don't want to listen to stupid ass 5 hour energy ads every time I change a station.
Re: Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/07/11 9:39 pm | #2474
Quote by Durtie:
People who won't mind there own business grind my gears. Don't they have anything better to do? Trolls....
Re: you know what grinds my gears? v>9K
02/07/11 10:09 pm | #2475
Useless homework grinds my gears.
I literally have several hours a week of homework that is not only required (I will fail my class if I don't turn it in), is ungraded (meaning it doesn't help my GPA), and 9/10 times does not really help me learn anything......
I waste soooo much time on homework that I don't study enough for the tests which are graded... Add personal problems this quarter to the mix and I literally have had very little time to myself. I have frequently been on XBL and away from the controller doing 10 other things...
Hopefully next quarter will be better.
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