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Archived: Worst movie you ever saw?
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Re: Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
09/29/11 2:49 pm | #31
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Transformers II definitely deserves to be on the worst movie list. Those two little racist autobots that acted like Vanilla Ice were pretty damning.
I don; think so its worst movie.
I think its good movie buddy...
Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/02/11 12:39 am | #32
Battlefield Earth. Terrible Acting, camera at an angle through-out the entire movie. Worst of all it's about Scientology.
I insist you go see it, it's almost funny how bad it is.
Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/02/11 2:35 am | #33
Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/02/11 4:11 am | #34
The movie gamer is pretty bad. It had a decent cast but clearly had one of the worst scripts of all time.
Re: Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/06/11 11:24 am | #35
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
The movie gamer is pretty bad. It had a decent cast but clearly had one of the worst scripts of all time.
lol i watched 30 mins and thought it was so terrible
Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/06/11 1:07 pm | #38
Re: Re: Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/06/11 2:09 pm | #40
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by MatthewMk2:
James Cameron's: Avatar.
well its about time.....i thought i was the only one who thought that "movie" was complete bullshit & super long for no fuckin reason
Really?i thought it was pretty good the story line was great in my option.The costumes were amazing to.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/06/11 6:18 pm | #41
Quote by safemachine:
Quote by BIGP 6:
well its about time.....i thought i was the only one who thought that "movie" was complete bullshit & super long for no fuckin reason
Really?i thought it was pretty good the story line was great in my option.The costumes were amazing to.
I liked it, too...but I was really drunk at the time....
Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/06/11 7:49 pm | #42
It's pretty much a space redux of "Dances with Wolves". Definitely a good movie, just not a original one.
Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/06/11 9:30 pm | #43
Street Fighter. Van Dame as Guile...really?
Re: Worst movie you ever saw?
10/07/11 7:29 am | #45
Jack the Ripper with Klaus Klinksi ( or however you spell his damn name)
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