Archived: wish me luck
Posted Under: Off-Topic
Re: wish me luck
06/04/08 2:24 am | #31
It was my roomate! the one who won $6000! He doesn't have a girl so I got to walk around the casino for an hour at 500AM! I just wanted to sleep! I probably could've ca me back up after 15 min. but I wasn't taking any chances!
Re: wish me luck
06/04/08 2:29 am | #33
He needs time to clean up and reclothe himself and said waffle!
Re: wish me luck
06/04/08 2:32 am | #35
Re: wish me luck
06/04/08 2:38 am | #37
I know I know! but still, the guy just won a bunch of $$ so I'll let him save face!
Re: wish me luck
12/15/08 4:20 am | #39
This thread has been officially necro'd.
Re: wish me luck
12/15/08 6:43 am | #41
Quote by PSORaine:
Oh, yeah, I'm a hard core necromancer...
yea, kissing necks is romantic.
Re: wish me luck
12/15/08 7:26 am | #42
this thread is loaded with fail!
Re: wish me luck
12/15/08 7:40 am | #43
Quote by PSORaine:
If he doesn't have a gf... you probably could have come back after 3 minutes.
OR maybe he wanted "3" minutes without silence OR complaining.
...i mean talking.
Re: wish me luck
12/15/08 9:09 am | #45
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
yea, kissing necks is romantic.
i wrote that on a sticky note and stuck it to my PC case
...crap, there is an old sticky note of a different obnoxious neon colour that says the same thing. i wonder why i kept forgetting to read it..?
well, lesson learned. i will become a master in the art of Black Evil Super-powerful Neck Romancy!!
wait... will i have to re-ordain myself as NeckRomancer Meta? that's... going to get me a lot of heckling...