Archived: What's the scariest game you ever played?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: What's the scariest game you ever played?
06/06/10 5:35 pm | #31
i would have to say the silent hill series but alan wake made me jump a couple of times
Re: What's the scariest game you ever played?
06/06/10 6:10 pm | #32
would have to say dead space ,played it at like 2am and it made me jump alot the dead bodies laying around gives it that creepy feeling ,and the anti gravity rooms are intense when the creatures float right past u .
Re: What's the scariest game you ever played?
06/06/10 6:28 pm | #33
Silent Hill Homecoming. Walking through a boiler room and BAM, a friggin wheelchair falls down the stairs and lands right next to me, good times.
Re: What's the scariest game you ever played?
06/06/10 8:37 pm | #34
Every time I see this question on a forum I have to say Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth for the original Xbox was the creepiest game I've played ever. Only time a game made me scream and put the controller up to my face... and it was in the middle of the day!
Here's a link:
Here's a link:
Re: What's the scariest game you ever played?
06/06/10 9:32 pm | #35
I'd have to say, it was the original Resident Evil on the PS. Yeah, it's old and lame now, but when that first came out.... man, scared the crap outta me. RE3 when that came out, Nemesis was hella scary.
Now it's the remake on the Cube. Great game though.
Now it's the remake on the Cube. Great game though.

Re: What's the scariest game you ever played?
06/06/10 9:43 pm | #36
Condemned: Criminal Origins, I didn't find the 2nd one as scary as the first. And I didn't find Alan Wake or Dead Space scary, but they are both great games.