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Archived: What is your go to game when your board?
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Re: Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 8:22 pm | #16
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
But for now AC2 is fucking amazing, its all i play.
Amen to that
Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 8:25 pm | #17
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Gonzo the Gr8:
Well, Thank You Captain Obvious! It was a pun... You do know what a pun is right?
It was to draw attention... thanks for the attention
game - board get it? Humor? lol haha? Please, "Your killing me Smalls"
lol. I say, well played sir!

I say thank you Sir SeanTM22 & Sir Durtie...
As I was intending fun and humor... nothing else!
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 8:33 pm | #18
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 8:43 pm | #19
I know, i know gonzo. hahahaha, calm downnnn fellas.
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 8:57 pm | #20
haha i used to play a bit of hexic when i gote bored/board lol but i suck at it so i gave up. now its usually forza 2, all though i've been distracted by the several other games on my list bellow
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/20/09 10:02 pm | #21
you all probably know this by now, but fallout 2.
it's freakin' amazing. i don't know how many hours i've put into it... but it's epic.
as for 360 games, i still dabble in borderlands here and there. fallout 2 has me craving fallout 3, so i'll probably jump back into that again before too long. i boost gears of war a few times a week now (working toward seriously, of course) but at this point i do it more for fun than the achievement.
Re: Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 10:16 am | #23
Quote by KnuckPuck:
Modern Warfare 2
I wish I picked up MW2 But, 11/23 B-day & 12/25 Christmas.
Got AC2, budget is a little tight.
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 10:35 am | #24
Used to, it was Geometry Wars 2, but here lately, I keep playing Omega Five over and over. It's such a fucking good shooter. It never becomes not fun for whatever reason...
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 10:42 am | #25
When I'm not in the mood for going into depth with Assassin's Creed 2 of MW2 I would pick Peggle.
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 12:09 pm | #26
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 12:57 pm | #27
Quote by Gonzo the Gr8:
Quote by Durtie:
lol. I say, well played sir!

I say thank you Sir SeanTM22 & Sir Durtie...
As I was intending fun and humor... nothing else!
I would have titled this thread " Whats your Bored-Game?"
This way its clear that its a pun.
As for my Bored-Game: Fallout 3
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 12:58 pm | #28
Lately I'd have to say Peggle, trying to finish up the challenges and clear every board. Haven't really been bored lately with Borderlands in my possession.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 1:11 pm | #29
Quote by Bullets Chase:
I would have titled this thread " Whats your Bored-Game?"
This way its clear that its a pun.
As for my Bored-Game: Fallout 3
Well said.
However, you know what they say about hind sight = 20/20
I just figured that our community being hard core gamers & here for fun would have caught it... lol oh well, wasn't not trying to stir up trouble, just curious what fellow gamers played when they were BORED, boardgames, arcade or a go to game like - Fallout 3?
I just can't wait for the - New HITMAN to come out
Re: What is your go to game when your board?
12/22/09 1:13 pm | #30
For the longest time it was Fallout 3. Now I am hooked on Borderlands again.
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