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Archived: What games have you preordered?
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Re: Re: What games have you preordered?
06/13/13 4:37 pm | #31
Quote by gobluebuckeye:
I pre-ordered the Xbox One day one, and I have Destiny pre-ordered for it. I also have GTA V pre-ordered for my 360, and you know what? I am pumped. All this anti-Xbox talk is pointless. My gaming experience is not going to be effect outside of having a supreme console that will further my gaming appetite for the next 6-8 years.
The supremes are getting a PS4. I just pre-ordered mine as well.
Re: Re: What games have you preordered?
06/13/13 4:50 pm | #32
Quote by gobluebuckeye:
I pre-ordered the Xbox One day one, and I have Destiny pre-ordered for it. I also have GTA V pre-ordered for my 360, and you know what? I am pumped. All this anti-Xbox talk is pointless. My gaming experience is not going to be effect outside of having a supreme console that will further my gaming appetite for the next 6-8 years.
I agree! Im pumped as well! GTA will probably keep me busy until the xbox one comes out!
Re: Re: Re: What games have you preordered?
06/13/13 9:19 pm | #33
Quote by Clap That Fool:
Quote by gobluebuckeye:
I pre-ordered the Xbox One day one, and I have Destiny pre-ordered for it. I also have GTA V pre-ordered for my 360, and you know what? I am pumped. All this anti-Xbox talk is pointless. My gaming experience is not going to be effect outside of having a supreme console that will further my gaming appetite for the next 6-8 years.
I agree! Im pumped as well! GTA will probably keep me busy until the xbox one comes out!
aslo agreed
people are going to fight over any thing so i going to enjoy the games i want to play no matter what
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/13/13 7:14 pm | #34
I just canceled my Amazon Xbox One day one edition pre order and pre ordered it at my local gamestop so I can reap the gamestop pro rewards benefits of that transaction. I also pre ordered Battlefield 4, Ryse, Watch Dogs, and Forza 5 all for XB1.
I plan on Pre orders Saints Row 4 in the next week or so
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/24/13 10:51 pm | #35
Xbox One w/ Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed 4, Ryse, and Call of Duty (at BestBuy). I'll probably get GTA V, but I doubt they'll be a shortage of copies. Consoles maybe, but I would bet that GTA V will have the largest initial shipment of any game in recent memory. I was tempted to say "EVER", but the shipped / sales data for Tetris, Super Mario 3, or maybe Pac Man on Atari, could have been higher.
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/25/13 1:26 am | #36
I pre-ordered Shadowrun Returns.
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/25/13 1:36 am | #37
I preordered NHL 14 earlier today
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/25/13 11:08 am | #39
Right now I only have the Xbox One and CoD: Ghosts pre-ordered. Not much money at the moment. Just joined a gym and I am getting addicted to going to concerts, so that's where most of my money is going.
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/25/13 12:07 pm | #40
I don't have any right now, but I do plan on pre-ordering NHL '14 & LEGO Marvel (after I move and find a local GameStop).
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/25/13 2:38 pm | #41
Got Diablo 3 fully paid off today. Can't wait to get back in to it, and with a controller this time! wooo
Also I have Ryse: Son of Rome pre-ordered since I finally decided I will get the day 1 Xboner I pre-ordered on Amazon.
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/25/13 2:46 pm | #42
paid off:
saints row 4
Splinter cell blacklist
gta V
AC 4
watch dogs
dead rising 3
BF 4
still gotta pay off:
madden 25
NBA 2k14
batman Arkham origins
Xbox 1
South Park
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/26/13 1:15 pm | #43
Diablo III - Paid Off
Saints Row IV
Re: What games have you preordered?
07/26/13 1:22 pm | #44
I have GTA V, Kingdom Hearts HD, and Disney Infinity pre ordered right now
Re: Re: What games have you preordered?
07/26/13 3:14 pm | #45
Quote by Meta:
Got Diablo 3 fully paid off today. Can't wait to get back in to it, and with a controller this time! wooo
Also I have Ryse: Son of Rome pre-ordered since I finally decided I will get the day 1 Xboner I pre-ordered on Amazon.
Yes! All hail Diablo! They had a sweet deal at Gamestop, if you pre-ordered it before the 26th you got $10 off and an in game bonus.
I also pre-ordered Diablo <3 GTA V Collectors Edition <3 Assassins Creed IV Collectors Edition <3 and Batman Arkham Origins Collectors Edition. Oh can't forget the Xbox One with Dead Rising 3.
I seriously don't know how I'm going to pay for all of this....maybe I'll rob a bank or do sexy dances for rich old men....rather rob a bank. >_<
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