We set up our store to improve upon everything that people have problems with regarding Gamestop, Gamecrazy and the big box companies. What I want to know about, is what does everyone here look for in a gaming store? As our company slowly expands we need to improve the experience to always draw in more people.
Archived: What do you look for in a game store?
Posted Under: Gaming
What do you look for in a game store?
02/19/10 6:29 pm | #1
I'm part of a start up game company called Reset Games, we're located in Washington and only have two stores so far. We deal in everything from 360, PS3 and Wii; all the way back to Atari, NES and Colecovision. We let people test any game they want before they buy it, and any used game can be returned within five days if you just don't like it.
We set up our store to improve upon everything that people have problems with regarding Gamestop, Gamecrazy and the big box companies. What I want to know about, is what does everyone here look for in a gaming store? As our company slowly expands we need to improve the experience to always draw in more people.
We set up our store to improve upon everything that people have problems with regarding Gamestop, Gamecrazy and the big box companies. What I want to know about, is what does everyone here look for in a gaming store? As our company slowly expands we need to improve the experience to always draw in more people.
Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/19/10 7:37 pm | #3

Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/19/10 8:02 pm | #5
availability of older gen games, that's about the only thing that Gamestop doesn't do that i want out of a game store imo. so hard to find PS1 and N64 games -_-'
your store sounds like Play-N-Trade that we have down here in Florida
your store sounds like Play-N-Trade that we have down here in Florida

Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/19/10 8:05 pm | #6
Do you guys have a website?
Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/19/10 8:32 pm | #7
Fair pricing on import games and retro games. A good selection of older games. Not having 20 games for the nes and 15 of them are super mario brothers and duck hunt.
Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/19/10 9:05 pm | #8
Good luck with your store man, I hope it does well. I love real game stores.
Re: Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/20/10 11:10 pm | #11
Quote by animefr33k:
Cheaper prices on used games if you're going that route as Gamestop does no such thing.
We make sure to guarantee lower prices, we check their website for their prices then set ours lower.
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Games I want on their release date, higher trade in value for NEWER games, and lower prices for used games that have been out for a while.
We actually had a problem getting things on time when we first opened, our company that we went through didn't really care since we were barely making any money. We get everything on time now though. We do guarantee higher trade-in, we've actually had customers check both stores and come back to us. The one problem is that we don't do cash, that way we can offer more in credit.
Quote by iKhaotic:
availability of older gen games, that's about the only thing that Gamestop doesn't do that i want out of a game store imo. so hard to find PS1 and N64 games -_-'
your store sounds like Play-N-Trade that we have down here in Florida
your store sounds like Play-N-Trade that we have down here in Florida

I love that we keep up on older gen titles, I actually just bought Breath of Fire 3, Wild Arms and Tales of Destiny that we had traded in not too long ago. I checked Play-N-Trade, they sound exactly like us, which is nice to know that other companies are competing with the big ones.
Quote by Sean:
Do you guys have a website?
Quote by mikemnsn:
Fair pricing on import games and retro games. A good selection of older games. Not having 20 games for the nes and 15 of them are super mario brothers and duck hunt.
As far as that is concerned, we may have some repeats, but we have shelves upon shelves and bins upon bins. I look over and lose count around 130 without finishing the shelves, let alone the bins.
Quote by Aaron:
Games before their release date..hehe, besides that good prices on used games, and make sure they work...
Can't release games early, we can actually lose our license if we did that. But our prices are good by comparison to Gamestop, which might not be saying much sometimes

Quote by STD:
The customer is always right! You have to keep out for the scammers of course but give each customer the benefit of the doubt and they will return for future sales. I mark down a lot of prices, give refunds for things I know I don't have to but I keep the customer happy and they return with their future business while also spreading through their word of mouth.
Yes, that is one of the things I love about this job, we're still small enough where, since I'm manager, I'm at the top of the ladder so I get to make all calls about what to do for customers. I don't have to call corporate to ask for permission to be nice.
Re: Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/21/10 12:56 am | #13
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I'm now your fan on FB, lol. Funnnn!
Thank ya very kindly, darlin. We'll try not to bore you.
Re: Re: Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/21/10 12:58 am | #14
Quote by Sean:
Do you guys have a website?
The site's pretty sweet, I like how on the Homepage I can see your upcoming releases and can reserve me a copy.
I'm going to take a chance at the Brilliant Idea contest.

Re: What do you look for in a game store?
02/21/10 1:01 am | #15
Fair prices and a wider selection on used/new accessories. I was recently trying to find a blue wireless controller with a rechargeable battery for my girlfriend, the limited edition powder blue, and i could not find it at any gamestop or chain store. I ended up having to get it off Ebay, but I got a great deal so I couldnt complain, but it was a hassle tryin to find a single controller. I also can't find a used wireless guitar controller anywhere, any I find are plastered with the previous owners retarded stickers.