Personally, I played Pokemon Black, won an online FIFA 12 tournament, Ocarina of Time 3D. And I dabbled a bit on Battlefield 3.
Archived: Weekend Warriors?
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Weekend Warriors?
02/13/12 4:13 pm | #1
Hey guys. I have been browsing through And I love their piece named 'Weekend Warriors". So let me ask you, xboxamerica. What games have you played this weekend?
Personally, I played Pokemon Black, won an online FIFA 12 tournament, Ocarina of Time 3D. And I dabbled a bit on Battlefield 3.
Personally, I played Pokemon Black, won an online FIFA 12 tournament, Ocarina of Time 3D. And I dabbled a bit on Battlefield 3.
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/13/12 9:37 pm | #2
I love the weekend worrier theme but i dont think i will ever play fifa online again because of the people out there trying to steal/hack the EA servers. My account was hacked and they spent 1200 of my points on my account and then tried to charge my credit card 6000 microsoftpoints.
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/13/12 9:41 pm | #3
Sniping heads at Gears III. Going all in on ill advised hands at Full House Poker. And finally commanding my undead penguin army at Disgaea IV (PS3)
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/13/12 9:43 pm | #4
Hey dude congrats on the championship, I haven't been any good at the Soccer game, I would like to try out one of the rugby games they have out though.
Lets see, this weekend I completed Saints Row The Third and am working on the mini games of Saints Row 2.
You new dude? Welcome
Lets see, this weekend I completed Saints Row The Third and am working on the mini games of Saints Row 2.
You new dude? Welcome
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/13/12 9:56 pm | #5
This past 100% green lantern, battlefield 3 mp for a bit, mass effect 2 last dlc for the completion, and saints row the third some cleaning up.
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/14/12 3:37 am | #6
Played through the Halo 3: ODST campaign, mixed with just a little bit of two XBLA titles.
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/14/12 9:06 am | #7
This week Im gonna go back and complete saint row the third. And finish up some Bakugan

Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/14/12 11:15 am | #8
During the weekdays I tend to do most of my single player. On the weekend, the gaming sessions on TA have more variety, so I do most of my boosting sessions then.
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/14/12 12:59 pm | #9
Congrats on the soccer tourney win!
Played a whole bunch of Sacred 2, with Simpsons Arcade and Soul Calibur 5 mixed in for seasoning.
Played a whole bunch of Sacred 2, with Simpsons Arcade and Soul Calibur 5 mixed in for seasoning.
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/14/12 8:37 pm | #10
Playing the hell out of Saints 3

Re: Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/14/12 9:58 pm | #11
Quote by Meta:
Congrats on the soccer tourney win!
You scare me.......

Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/18/12 2:13 pm | #12
Thank you for all the congratulatory comments! But now it's another weekend. What are you all playing now?
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/18/12 9:29 pm | #13
So far, this weekend has been bits of Soul Calibur 5 and Sacred 2 mixed with Crimson Alliance.
When I have time alone, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is so fun it should be illegal.
When I have time alone, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is so fun it should be illegal.
Re: Weekend Warriors?
02/18/12 10:00 pm | #14
When i go Home Tomorrow will Probably Continue my Current ME2 Playthrough. And Probably Dabble in ME3 Demo.
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