Closed: Waffle Order 3.0
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Quote by Minioger:
*clears throat*..............*deep voice*, cool....glad you see you got it
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I finally agree with you on something
Will ship in the next couple of days.
World of Outlaws to Braz - DC#: 0309 1140 0000 2014 3512
Both have an expected delivery date of Friday, August 20th
First post is updated, second and third posts I am still working on
Edit: Massively updated the second post for my benefit, hopefully it works better for everyone else as well.
Removed the majority of the third post. The count was a nice feature but not necessary, I'll hold that one for any future updates I may need to make.
Okay I did want to address both Melissa's and Junior's (whoa did I just type that?) concerns.
I feel the issue is very valid, but I also feel my hands are tied.
The waffle thread is based solely on trust. We have to all trust each other to not take any of these games and also trust that people will send them out when they say they will. I personally felt the need to introduce a time limit because some members were not making good with their promise to ship games. The second rotation is perfect for people who don't have time to work on games (or don't want to), and can take as long as they like. Part of me regrets having set up this time limit ONLY because of the greif it has caused me with having to harass some members.
With Kidd shipping out his games we have three members who have games that they have had for too long. When all of these members were confronted by me they all had excuses which seemed very valid and all apologized and promised to ship the games out as soon as they could. Now I believe all these members do have the intention of shipping the games out, but I do not know how I can force them to do so.
The only repercussion that I can think of is to be listed as a dishonest trader (or maybe Evil's new orange status) on the trade thread until the games ship out. If anyone else has any other suggestions (other than banning) I would be glad to hear them and discuss them. As long as we don't turn the thread into a bash fest of the members who haven't shipped I am okay with public discussion of this. Well unless you aren't a member of the waffle thread - then GTFO!
Quote by Minioger:
I can do that if that is what the group wants. I would recommend going with the Orange status over making them Red. Orange just means they are currently under a suspension of sorts.
Quote by Meta:
I support this 100%.
Quote by Meta:
lol ur sick minded meta
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by AJ:
I support this 100%.
You would. But Evol's not on the list, so I'm not sure what you're expecting.
I don't know- my only suggestion would be if someone's super super late with a game (like 2 months for a 2 week game -_-) They be removed from the list, and have to donate another game to get back in. Of course since people are just deciding to leave the thread and not bothering to send out their last games, I guess there's not a lot of point to that...
I wouldn't be against this rule but as you said plenty of people end up leaving when I get on them. Plus it seems to me that money is an issue for some of those who don't ship so its hard to say whether the rule would be effective even if people didn't end up leaving.
I just don't want anyone leaving with a game. I want them to ship them out and get them on to the rest of the people who want them.
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