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Closed: Waffle Order 3.0
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Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/27/10 3:49 pm | #1501
Surf's Up and Hellboy sent out. Will edit in confirmation numbers in an hour or so when I get home.
Junior - 0310 0480 0003 2772 7488
Bay - 0310 0480 0003 2772 7495
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/27/10 5:18 pm | #1502
Shitty-Cent BotS to TD - 0309 0330 0000 1338 1802
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/27/10 9:10 pm | #1503
Re: Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/27/10 9:37 pm | #1504
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Ok, I am messaging people about Lips and You're in the Movies. A few notes first, which will be in the PM.
The Rock Band Mic DOES NOT work with Lips. I got about all the GS you can get in the game with out one. I am missing 2 that you can get but for some reason they will not unlock.....
You're in the Movies Does NOT come with a camera, you need one to play this game. I am sending it out because I got a copy for $9 at Toys R Us, I got tired of waiting for a friend to let me borrow his camera.
This was originally posted on 08/24. I will wait until 08/31, which is 7 days, before I send out.
So far only 2 people have responded, 1 to ask for Lips, and 1 to refuse both.
If no one claims You're in the Movies, it will be retired.
You only have to PM me back if you want one, btw.
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/28/10 11:24 pm | #1505
Looking for a home for Harry Potter:HBP now. Only game I have now is Beowulf that is on a time limit. How long and crappy is this game. Im trying to work up the nerve to start it.
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/31/10 12:53 am | #1506
Alot of people hate on Beowulf but I seriously enjoyed it. If you're wanting all 1000G which isn't difficult, then you will need to play through the game once all the way and then again about two-thirds of the way through.
I can't remember how long it is... I think maybe 10-12 hours to get the 1k? Use the tips and guide link I put on the Ultra Waffle List and it is painless except for one mission.
And as far as HP and the HBP give it to me hard i need it oh god
I have been wanting to play it forever but my GameStops don't have any used copies when I have money.
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/31/10 2:20 am | #1507
Beowulf held some of the most frustrating moments in my history of gaming. Defending the Relic and defeating Hela on hard literally had me pulling my feckin hair out! Oh and Meta... your welcome. Hope you enjoy HBP.
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
08/31/10 2:24 am | #1508
Conan is looking 4 home, must be loving.... If your under me it's 1st go round if above me it will be second
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
09/02/10 11:07 pm | #1509
Ok, LIPS will be going to Top Dogs, it is 2nd rotation, and no one else answered my mass PM, after 9 days.
YOU'RE IN THE MOVIES will be retired, as no one wanted it. I have PM Mini about it. MINI, it was in with my response to your PM.
Re: Re: Waffle Order 3.0
09/02/10 11:34 pm | #1510
Quote by Meta:
Alot of people hate on Beowulf but I seriously enjoyed it. If you're wanting all 1000G which isn't difficult, then you will need to play through the game once all the way and then again about two-thirds of the way through.
I can't remember how long it is... I think maybe 10-12 hours to get the 1k? Use the tips and guide link I put on the Ultra Waffle List and it is painless except for one mission.
And as far as HP and the HBP give it to me hard i need it oh god
I have been wanting to play it forever but my GameStops don't have any used copies when I have money.
I have a ton of those harry potter games at my gamestop.
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
09/03/10 1:51 am | #1511
Would anyone be interested if I donated Unreal Tournament 3 and/or Timeshift?
UT3 (easy 400+ with friends and TimeShift, VERY EASY 1125 [1250 with 800msp dlc])?
Also, only donating UT3 when JesusNinja and I grow tired of it, lol.
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
09/03/10 3:03 pm | #1512
Cabela's went to Bay - DC: 0309 2880 0000 7538 3022
Fallout 3 PC went to Apophis - DC: 0309 2880 0000 7538 3039
Rock Band AC/DC to Mini - DC: 0309 2880 0000 7538 3046
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
09/03/10 3:14 pm | #1513
Harry Potter:HBP to Bay
0310 0480 001 4594 7334
Re: Waffle Order 3.0
09/03/10 3:21 pm | #1514
Bee Movie and Leisure Suit Larry to Adrian.
0309 1830 0000 7977 0826
Re: Re: Waffle Order 3.0
09/06/10 6:22 pm | #1515
Quote by theEVOL1:
Bee Movie and Leisure Suit Larry to Adrian.
0309 1830 0000 7977 0826
I got them thnx guys!!
PS mini pick up that game soon
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