There is a lot that goes into a video game and personally I feel the art and design of any game, is one of the most significant aspects of a title.
Video game cover art, what a huge contributing factor in the way I decided what games I would purchase/play. I remember as a young naive child, walking up to the local video rental store (Watch Dog Video) with just $3 I practically had to beg my parents for, ready to make my big decision. A rental at the time cost $2.50 and you were able to keep it for 2 days. Sometimes I would spend anywhere between 15 to 20 minuets just staring at the cover art of all the different games available. Little did I know, you should never judge a game by it's cover.
For this thread I thought it would be fun for everyone to share their favorite video game cover art. It can be anything from beautifully illustrated covers, to just downright ridiculous covers and anything in between. I will share three of my favorite game covers of all time. I hope you all enjoy this topic and thank you for participating.
Doom - Playstation
What an amazing game! When I first saw the cover for Doom, I knew this was going to be a badass title. Here's what looks like a very pissed off man surrounded by a horde of demons with not a care in the world for his well being but a lust for killing those foul beasts. Two things I found funny about this cover were the soldier in the background flailing his arm, either wanting to lend a hand or tell his buddy to get the hell out of there and the demon on the bottom left hand corner. What is he doing?....waving at you? @_@ Either way this cover is awesome.

Super Smash Bros. - Nintendo 64
Smash Bros. a game that consumed my childhood like a fat kid consumes chocolate cake. This game had it all, literally it had it all. (Nintendo speaking) When I first saw this cover I was in awe. I remember thinking to myself, "OMG Samus Aran from Metroid, I love Samus! OMG Fox McCloud from Star Fox, I love Star Fox! OMG Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land, I love Kirby! OMG Pikachu from Poke'mon,....well I'd rather have Dragonite but Pikachu is fine! OMG Link from The Legend of Zelda, I love Link! games but I'll pass on playing as him." What a great game cover to draw in all the Nintendo fans. I just wish Bob-omb hiding in the right hand corner was a playable character, now that would be interesting.

Mega Man - NES
@___@ Um...ok, what exactly am I looking at here. Mega Man, now that is a name that should ring a bell in all gamers ears. An Iconic character that debuted on the Nintendo Entertainment System way back in 1987 and has become so successful, there are now OVER 9000 titles!!! Just kidding, there's over 100 Mega Man titles to date and Capcom doesn't intend on stopping anytime soon. I was too young at the time to remember when this game was first purchased for my family but my brother tells me, he had my father buy it for him because he thought the title Mega Man was cool. Mega Man for the NES is the exact reason why you should never judge a game by it's cover. Although this game depicts a constipated, pedophylic cyber soldier enjoying his time in a futuristic Florida with his dildo gun, it will actually be one the best games you will ever play.<3