Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of All Ages! It is my pleasure to welcome you to the next installment of XboxAmerica's
Movie Screenshot Challenge!
This installment is going to be similar to previous games that we have all played and loved, but, it is also going to be a BIT different. The rules that we all abide by will not change. I will post a screenshot each and every night at 10:00 eastern time, and the only way to obtain a point for each challenge is to send me a private message with your correct answer to said challenge. Only 1 guess per screenshot. If anyone posts the answer within the thread they will be docked 1 point and the screenshot will become void and a new screenshot will be posted. Also, as the last challenge stated "AJ will be allowed to beat you senseless with a wiffle ball bat.
I could say that no one within this challenge should help each other, but, we all know that it will happen whether I mention it or not
Let's get into the prizes!
1st Place Winner: A game valued at $39.99.
2nd Place Winner: A 1600 Microsoft Point card.
3rd Place Winner: A goofy consolation prize.
I will only release Movie Screenshots to movies that have been released to DVD. I will not include anything newly released to theatres in the screenshots, but will use maybe a couple for the bonus challenge which goes into more detail below. We will continue this for 30 movie screenshots, at the end of the challenge the one with the most points will be deemed the winner!
The challenge will begin on Wednesday evening at 10:00 eastern time. Please send me a private message with your name stating that you would like to participate in..XBOXAmerica's
Movie Screenshot Challenge!
Ashley - 30
Repo Man 360 - 30
Irish OH - 28
Dvader83 - 27
Nickel Slick - 18
kroberts11 - 16
Michael - 15
PureEvil - 13
WyoChuck - 13
ReAl ImPuLsE - 9
AJ - 8
Minioger - 8
Mikey - 8
Mudkip - 8
Epic Louie - 7
Braz - 6
Circus - 5
Reverend META - 4
MizTian Cage - 4
todgill12 - 4
Revelation1318 - 4
xMike - 4
Crawford696 - 4
Drunk3nDuffman - 2
Irish Patriot X - 1
Gaanja - 1
Backhole Puncher - 0
KingKoracin - 0
Movie Screenshots Used
1. In Bruges
2. A History of Violence
3. Stay Alive
4. Out to Sea
5. The Yards
6. Marked for Death
7. From Paris With Love
8. Harlem Nights
9. Blazing Saddles
10. Final Destination 3
11. Suicide Kings
12. Black Hawk Down
13. We Own the Night
14. Jumanji
15. Big Trouble in Little China
16. 21 Grams
17. Apollo 13
18. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
19. Ocean's Twelve
20. Dodgeball
21. Matilda
22. Shoot 'Em Up
23. The Descent
24. The Lost Boys
25. Se7en
26. Under Suspicion
27. Traitor
28. The Phantom
29. Swordfish
30. Confidence
31. The Ultimate Gift
32. Remember the Titans
33. Van Helsing
34. The Bourne Supremacy
35. The Italian Job
36. Starship Troopers
37. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
38. The Prestige