I know you all have been waiting and wondering when another Screenshot Challenge will come around well here we go! The rules will remain the same. A new shot every 24 hours, usually posted around 9PM EST and the ONLY way to earn a point for a round is via a PM to me with the correct answer. You have until the next shot is posted to submit your answers. You only get 1 guess per round, so make sure you’re content with your answer before sending it in folks. If you post an answer in the thread, the shot will become null and void, no points will be awarded that round to anyone, you will be given a negative point.
1st place gets a 4000 MS Point Code
2nd place will get a 1600 MS Point Code
3rd place gets a 800 MS Point Code
I'm going to go with the few changes that Ermac added for the 10th Edition and here they are:
1) The screenshots will not be just movies this time. I will be adding in some television screenshots as well. There will only be a few.
2) The only movies that will be off limits from being posted this time are newer movies that have just hit theatres this year. There may be some movies made in 2011 in the challenges, but they will be movies that went straight to DVD. Again, no porno clips guys and gals.
3) I will be randomly giving the chance at bonus points after certain shots. The way it works is that if you see this Bonus Bonus, at the bottom of a screenshot round, that means after the shot is over, I will ask a question about that particular show/movie. The first 3 people who correctly answer the question with a PM to me will be given 1 bonus point. As I get the right answers, I’ll post in order those that got them right. Once I have 3 correct answers, the bonus round will end and the next shot will go up.
The first participant to 30 correct answers is awarded 1st place. The next person to 30 finishes 2nd. 3rd place is then awarded to whomever has the next highest score. In the case of a tie, we will have bonus tie breakers rounds.
Remember to PM your answers
1. Happy Gilmore (1996)
2. Office Space (1999)
3. Due Date (2010)
4. No Country For Old Men (2007)
5. Pulp Fiction (1994)
6. A Beautiful Mind (2001)
7. The Mothman Prophecies (2002)
8. High Plains Drifter (1973)
9. Patton (1970)
10. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005-)
11. Donnie Darko (2001)
12. 9 (2009)
Christmas Challenge
A) Gremlins (1984)
B) Scrooged (1988)
C) The Ref (1994)
14. Christmas Vacation (1989)
15. Ed Wood (1994)
16. Blow (2001)
17. Burn After Reading (2008)
18. Harry Brown (2009)
19. The Madness of King George (1994)
20. Trading Places (1983)
Godfather Challenge
Part I - B & E
Part II - D & F
Part III - A & C
22. Kill the Irishman (2011)
23. The Usual Suspects (1995)
24. LOST (2004-2010)
25. Where the Buffalo Roam (1980)
26. Traffic (2000)
27. Road to Perdition (2002)
28. Chinatown (1974)
29. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
30. Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead (1995)
31. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
32. Spies Like Us (1985)
33. Hanna (2011)
34. Taps (1981)
35. Red State (2011)
36. Raising Arizona (1987)
37. Silver Streak (1976)
38. Haunted Honeymoon (1986)
39. Vertigo (1958)
40. Twin Peaks (1990-1991)
41. Dune (1984)
42. Moon (2009)
43. Time Bandits (1981)
44. Pink Floyd: The Wall (1982)
45. Watchmen (2009)
46. L.A. Confidential (1997)
1st Place - Valo
2nd Place - Genius Redneck
3rd Place - Cannibal
Bardfor - 24
TodGill - 22
Keane - 19
DVader - 15
Ermac - 13
Shooter12ga- 12
WyoChuck - 11
TreeWrapper - 10
PureEvil - 8
BeaverHunter - 7
LilCuyler - 6
Mudkip - 3
Repo - 3
Silver Sluggr - 3
Brandon - 2
breesys - 2
Michael - 2
Aidan - 1
AJ - 1
BamaWings - 1
Braz - 1
Duffman - 1
Harvey Domino - 1
Mikey - 1
Nick - 1

Real Impulse - 1
Ricky - 1