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Archived: The Gears of War 3 Thread
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Re: Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 2:10 am | #421
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Wow, the more I play the beta the more I hate GoW 3. I swear the series (in my opinion) has gotten worse with every new game. The original was good, second ok, and the third is looking, so far in my opinion, horrible. Jeez, Epic games has to be the most overrated developer out there.
Obviously you are entitled to your opinion, but care to elaborate? I mean I still see some of the same host problems, but I personally like some of the new editions. Plus it is a beta, things aren't supposed to be working 100%, so the theory is the actual game will be better.
I mean, if you said it was the same problems I'd have to agree, gnasher is still overpowered and there is definitely lag, but worse? How is it worse?
Note: I'm trying to be a dick.
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 2:21 am | #422
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Just got into the beta today and I've been playing it for most of the day. All I have to say is that I'm cancelling my pre-order. The game is not worth buying to me, especially considering all the great games coming out this holiday season, I'll just rent it.
Wow, the more I play the beta the more I hate GoW 3. I swear the series (in my opinion) has gotten worse with every new game. The original was good, second ok, and the third is looking, so far in my opinion, horrible. Jeez, Epic games has to be the most overrated developer out there.
Why make 2 posts saying essentially the same thing without elaborating on why your saying these things? At this point it looks like your just bashing the game to get a rise out of people.
Re: Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 2:41 am | #423
Quote by CIA Agent D:
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Just got into the beta today and I've been playing it for most of the day. All I have to say is that I'm cancelling my pre-order. The game is not worth buying to me, especially considering all the great games coming out this holiday season, I'll just rent it.
Wow, the more I play the beta the more I hate GoW 3. I swear the series (in my opinion) has gotten worse with every new game. The original was good, second ok, and the third is looking, so far in my opinion, horrible. Jeez, Epic games has to be the most overrated developer out there.
Why make 2 posts saying essentially the same thing without elaborating on why your saying these things? At this point it looks like your just bashing the game to get a rise out of people.
Thats what he does. He defends the shit out garbage games when he buys them, and bashes the popular ones because he cant get them... since he wasted his money on the poopy ones. He also doesn't respond to shouts that show some love for his sports teams. But its whatev
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 2:56 am | #424
Yea I've played like 40 or so beta games and only encountered lag like 2 or 3 times and once that said laggy person left the game was fine again, granted the shotguns ARE overpowered, but it IS GEARS did you expect anything more than a shotgun fest? I still enjoy the game and have a blast playing with friends, went like a 6 or 7 game span without dying playing with Jr and BluntedFish, good times.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 3:00 am | #425
Well im gonna say that i loved gears 1 and 2 CAMPAIGN, HATED online, it was terrible, host and overpowered shotguns, combined with the slide to cover and diving, not my kind of online play. Loaded up the beta today, and it actually put a smile on my face and i enjoyed it, especially the medals and unlockables, and the progress bars. It just feels like a totally different game online and i love that, hey maybe its cause 1 & 2 i would go online and get slaughtered where 3 beta im about even with k/d, but it just seems to be alot better made and looked into online. i would have to say the gnasher isnt as powerful sometimes, ive found myself shooting a person in the back a couple times to have them turn around and kill me while i add 1 or 2 more shots and im just like really 4 shotgun shots, but it could be that im going bu the amount of blood that spews out when i shoot them that i think it hits harder than it does lmao, anyways if this stays like this and theirs no ridiculously stupid ass achievements i will def be getting GOW 3
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 4:26 am | #426
So I played a bit of the beta and it was a lil rough gettin back to the gears style but in a day or so I think I'll be ok IMO the maps are a little small but not to bad
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 9:56 am | #427
Quote by Circus:
Yea I've played like 40 or so beta games and only encountered lag like 2 or 3 times and once that said laggy person left the game was fine again, granted the shotguns ARE overpowered, but it IS GEARS did you expect anything more than a shotgun fest? I still enjoy the game and have a blast playing with friends, went like a 6 or 7 game span without dying playing with Jr and BluntedFish, good times.
The lack of lag has been excellent in my opinion too. Me and my roommate have been trading off games and are about 70 in (really going for that gold retro lancer asap) and I think last night (roughly match 60) was the first time we'd encountered lag. And it only lasted for about 2 minutes, then it was fixed. I've been really impressed with the lack of lag, and also that the game has only been disconnected from the host a small handful of times. It seems to get a new host rather quickly and the game can continue.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 10:21 am | #428
I've played more than 100 games and just unlocked the gold retro lancer (for retail) yesterday. I love the ability to unlock things.
I haven't experienced any lag at all. For now, this game is playing very smoothly.
About the guns, yes, some are overpowered, but there are methods to deal with gnasher wielders. As Circus said, this IS Gears.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 2:12 pm | #429
as long as they aren't to close, I have been able to deal with the gnasher dudes. Only the blindfiring ones though. Match them with the Retro Lancer and I win roughly 70% of the time. Just keep you distance.
I can't wait until September. The final online product is going to be LEGEN....wait for it....DARY!
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/26/11 3:31 pm | #431
Plus if you are still have a hard time with Team Deathmatch, King of the hill helps a ton. Hell I had already unlocked everything there was to unlock but still learned a lot playing KOTH.
Boomshot FTW!!!!!
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/27/11 7:19 pm | #433
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Wow, the more I play the beta the more I hate GoW 3. I swear the series (in my opinion) has gotten worse with every new game. The original was good, second ok, and the third is looking, so far in my opinion, horrible. Jeez, Epic games has to be the most overrated developer out there.
apparently youve never heard of bungie, ea, or activision
the ability to spawn kill on maps like trenches and thrashball piss me off....you join a game in the middle of progress and they have both spawn points covered with a guy in the center with the mortar
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/27/11 7:31 pm | #434
Thrashball spawn trap makes me mad, but then again, i suck at gears, always will. I enjoy the beta mostly because all my friends are playing it. I like that they brought the Gears 1 shotty back. The sawed-off shotty is amazing, but doesn't work for me.. I just... doesn't. I love the hammerburst.
Of course its gunna be a shotty-fest, its gears!. Overall thought, solid game. Even though i suck at it. I still find it fun. Not sure if ill preorder. Since i just demonoid'd the beta on my flash drive =D
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