Archived: The Gears of War 3 Thread
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Quote by xDMaGiiK:
Of course its gunna be a shotty-fest, its gears!. Overall thought, solid game. Even though i suck at it. I still find it fun. Not sure if ill preorder. Since i just demonoid'd the beta on my flash drive =D
and to are ignorant enough to post that you have a flashed xbox in the forums...what makes you think there arent members of the xbox live enforcement team that are members of this site or members of the site that know enforcement team members?
and its not just their console that gets banned its their ip address so they cant go out and just get another console
and to think... i thought people knew about formatting a flash drive to act as more memory for the slim xbox. I have my gamertag on it to, I can take my gamertag anywhere now
besides MY xbox is fine. I did all of this at a local LAN center in my town =D
Quote by xDMaGiiK:
and to think... i thought people knew about formatting a flash drive to act as more memory for the slim xbox. I have my gamertag on it to, I can take my gamertag anywhere now
besides MY xbox is fine. I did all of this at a local LAN center in my town =D
totally makes sense cuz the 12 games you have on your "new" slim has used up all of the hard drive....the fact of the matter is downloading the gears beta from a "torrent site" is a violation of the code of conduct
Quote by misterman08:
Quote by xDMaGiiK:
and to think... i thought people knew about formatting a flash drive to act as more memory for the slim xbox. I have my gamertag on it to, I can take my gamertag anywhere now
besides MY xbox is fine. I did all of this at a local LAN center in my town =D
totally makes sense cuz the 12 games you have on your "new" slim has used up all of the hard drive....the fact of the matter is downloading the gears beta from a "torrent site" is a violation of the code of conduct
I dont understand what you mean, the 12 games i've played took up my harddrive space. I hope you understand that I have a new xbox slim at home, that i rarely use. I spend most of my gaming time at my local LAN center. I only use the xbox at home for multiplayer (right now black ops). I have my gamertag on a flash drive in which i take to the lan center. Where I play multiple games for free, since im cool with the guy who owns the place. I also understand that torrenting the beta wasn't the best choice of getting the beta. Your point is proven on that matter, but i hope you understand how im using my xbox, and that it is not in anyway flashed. Nor are the xboxes i play on at the LAN center.
I was only trying to put my input on how i liked the Gears beta, and this thread turned into a totally different direction, so lets end this discussion, since everyone has made their points and i made mine, and let the regular thread continue.
Quote by xDMaGiiK:
Quote by misterman08:
totally makes sense cuz the 12 games you have on your "new" slim has used up all of the hard drive....the fact of the matter is downloading the gears beta from a "torrent site" is a violation of the code of conduct
I dont understand what you mean, the 12 games i've played took up my harddrive space. I hope you understand that I have a new xbox slim at home, that i rarely use. I spend most of my gaming time at my local LAN center. I only use the xbox at home for multiplayer (right now black ops). I have my gamertag on a flash drive in which i take to the lan center. Where I play multiple games for free, since im cool with the guy who owns the place. I also understand that torrenting the beta wasn't the best choice of getting the beta. Your point is proven on that matter, but i hope you understand how im using my xbox, and that it is not in anyway flashed. Nor are the xboxes i play on at the LAN center.
I was only trying to put my input on how i liked the Gears beta, and this thread turned into a totally different direction, so lets end this discussion, since everyone has made their points and i made mine, and let the regular thread continue.
Holy crap. You're not going to fit in around here unless you wig out when people attack you.

Uhh yeah, basically lets stick with the GoW3 chat in here folks. Oh and I hate playing with guys in King of the Hill (or whatever its called) who don't even try to cap the hill. Bastards, just sit back trying to get ribbons. I'm starting to dislike those just s little bit.
Quote by misterman08:
Damn. I think my best was like 25-30 assists.
Yeah, I'm also used to having my kills stolen.... I get so tired of that sometimes, especially when I work really hard for the kill in the first place.
I think Ive played about 20 matches, and I love this game. The MP is so much better than the first two. Gears 1 and 2 had slow ass MP and I never liked it because of that. Plus it took like 505025023059 bullets to kill people.
But with Gears 3, I have lots of success. Its faster paced with the respawns in game types, and the amount of bullets it takes to kill/down people is reasonable. I cant wait for the full game in September.
Quote by Detroit:
Umm... Really? Gears 1 was faster and the fastest Gameplay, Gears 2 was so slow and just right out awful. Gears 3 found the balance as Epic said!
Quote by Arcane x Knight:
Quote by Detroit:
Umm... Really? Gears 1 was faster and the fastest Gameplay, Gears 2 was so slow and just right out awful. Gears 3 found the balance as Epic said!
Well, I never really played Gears 1 MP. But I played a bit of GoW2 MP and it was slow as shit. So I would assume 1 wasn't fast.
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