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Archived: The Gears of War 3 Thread
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Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/07/11 6:56 pm | #241
Will have tracking for matches and kills during beta for flaming and Thrashball Cole
unlockables? or Do I need to keep tracking for it.
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/07/11 7:01 pm | #242
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Will have tracking for matches and kills during beta for flaming and Thrashball Cole
unlockables? or Do I need to keep tracking for it.
The game will keep track of it for you.
Rod Fergusson is streaming a beta event live on
USTREAM right now.
Re: Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/07/11 7:12 pm | #243
Quote by CIA Agent D:
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Will have tracking for matches and kills during beta for flaming and Thrashball Cole
unlockables? or Do I need to keep tracking for it.
The game will keep track of it for you.
Rod Fergusson is streaming a beta event live on
USTREAM right now.
Watch it now!
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 12:46 pm | #244
A HUGE and I mean HUGE shout out to A White Nite for getting me early access to the Gears of War 3 beta!
I got this message this morning:
Quote by A White Nite:
Hey Restrikted AKA CIA Agent D.
Since you have done so much with the gears 3 thread. Here is code for early access, as in RIGHT NOW!
And I flipped out! Thank you so much Nite, you have no idea how much I appreciate this!
Re: Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 12:58 pm | #246
Quote by Durtie:
Wait, so your playing this right now? Holy shit! Have fun with it mane.
Well technically I'm downloading an update, but soon... Very soon!
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 1:18 pm | #248
Quote by CIA Agent D:
A HUGE and I mean HUGE shout out to A White Nite for getting me early access to the Gears of War 3 beta! I got this message this morning:
Quote by A White Nite:
Hey Restrikted AKA CIA Agent D. Since you have done so much with the gears 3 thread. Here is code for early access, as in RIGHT NOW!
And I flipped out! Thank you so much Nite, you have no idea how much I appreciate this!
I can wait till 4/18.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 1:19 pm | #249
Your welcome man, enjoy! I look forward to seeing you on there soon. I wont be online this weekend as I am working on other stuff lol.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 1:21 pm | #250
Yea, a fore warning to anyone who is going to play the BETA, there are two downloads. The first is an 88 MB download. Then the actual download as an "update" that is over 500 MB in size. So dont think that you are done after the first download. Dont complain or blame me for the inconvenience... I just test the game, lol.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 2:13 pm | #251
I seen Restricked playing the beta and flipped the hell out! That is So awesome!
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 2:17 pm | #252
Quote by A White Nite:
Yea, a fore warning to anyone who is going to play the BETA, there are two downloads. The first is an 88 MB download. Then the actual download as an "update" that is over 500 MB in size. So dont think that you are done after the first download. Dont complain or blame me for the inconvenience... I just test the game, lol.
im jealous
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 2:18 pm | #253
I second that....with the word extremely. Damn IT! TEN DAYS SEEMS LIKE FOREVER!
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 2:37 pm | #254
Lmao, its not all fun and games... I have worked on several EPIC games. I tested on UT3 for ps3 and 360. I tested on gears 2 (after release), pretty much all TUs and DLC for it. As well as Shadow Complex (loved that game). I did a little bit of work on Bulletstorm but that was mostly MP. But I have been heavily dedicated to Gears 3 for well over a year.
You guys have no idea how difficult being a tester is... But it pays the bills so I'm not complaining.
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
04/08/11 10:05 pm | #255
Quote by A White Nite:
Lmao, its not all fun and games... I have worked on several EPIC games. I tested on UT3 for ps3 and 360. I tested on gears 2 (after release), pretty much all TUs and DLC for it. As well as Shadow Complex (loved that game). I did a little bit of work on Bulletstorm but that was mostly MP. But I have been heavily dedicated to Gears 3 for well over a year.
You guys have no idea how difficult being a tester is... But it pays the bills so I'm not complaining.
difficult? really? please, tell us more :o
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