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Archived: The Gears of War 3 Thread
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Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/19/11 6:49 pm | #181
Quote by Meta:
Agent D, I appreciate your energy in this thread and the info & vids you provide. You earned a medal!
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/19/11 10:49 pm | #182
Quote by Meta:
Agent D, I appreciate your energy in this thread and the info & vids you provide. You earned a medal!
Wow, that's awesome! Thank you Meta!
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/21/11 12:38 pm | #183
Here are some interviews with Chris Wynn the lead producer for Gears of War 3, they are pretty long, have some new gameplay, and a lot of good information:
Chris Wynn interview 1
Chris Wynn interview 2
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/21/11 12:46 pm | #184
Gamestop expects to fill all preorders for the Epic Editions by early August so, I'd get to reserving people. I'll be upgrading mine to the Epic Edition next week.
Re: Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/21/11 1:00 pm | #186
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by MizTian Cage:
Gamestop expects to fill all preorders for the Epic Editions by early August so, I'd get to reserving people. I'll be upgrading mine to the Epic Edition next week.
Now be real with your friends at xba and answer this question honestly. For years now, I've been walking into gamestop hearing that same thing. They always say that preorders are limited, get it now. I've never heard of a game selling out early and there always seems to be extra's on the shelf months after the game came out. I can still get the prestige edition of MW2 at my gamestop. So is there any truth to this or is it a way to sell video games?
From what I was told yesterday, the Epic Editions are going to be EXTREMELY limited. Mostly ordered based on reserves only. Granted there are always people who never pick the game up, or canel their pre-orders, but with special editions, it's never worth the risk.
It's ultimately your call, but I like to be safe than sorry.
I just wanna know wtf is in the Epic Edition. Maybe cog tags?
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/21/11 1:09 pm | #188
Maybe it's a replica Lancer, a Cole Plushie code, all golden weapons, cog tags, a Carmine helmet, all the future DLC, an exploding Kim figure, and a detachable Dom beard?
Re: Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/21/11 4:30 pm | #190
Quote by MizTian Cage:
Maybe it's a replica Lancer, a Cole Plushie code, all golden weapons, cog tags, a Carmine helmet, all the future DLC, an exploding Kim figure, and a detachable Dom beard?
Replica Lancer (Pendulum or Regular Era) - Yes. I would definitely buy this
Cole Plushie (Actual One and Avatar One) - Yes. Make it better, push down some body part and hear a line from the Cole Train
Golden Weapons - Yes. Flaming too.
Cog Tags (Actual Ones and Avatar Ones) - Yes. That would just be bad ass
Carmine Helmet - If it's Clays, Yes.
All Future DLC - Yes.
Exploding Kim Figure - I'd prefer an Acid-Exposed Ben, Facial-Lacking Anthony, or just a model of a GoW Battle (Similar to Reach's, but like a battle frozen in time, like that one Halo commercial thing)
Detachable Dom Beard - Can we get inflatable Cole Train arm's instead?
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/23/11 1:15 pm | #191
video for you guys, shows off a couple of the new executions.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/25/11 8:38 pm | #192
The "Bling" Cole Train skin was just revealed on the Jace Hall show!
Here is the
Edit: The new skin is towards the end of the video if you were wondering.
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/28/11 12:42 pm | #193
Here is some info on the new executions and how they work:
- Mulcher Execution: slam enemy in the back; knee them in the head.
- Lancer: Chainsaw is revved and shoved into your opponents exposed stomach. Huge spouts of blood fly.
- Digger Launcher: Enemy is kicked onto their back as you punt their head from their body.
- Gnasher: Swing the gun like a golf club as you pop their head for a nice drive.
- Gorgon: Player stand on enemy's shoulder and pistol whips them repeatedly until their head is pulped.
- Mortar/One Shot: Enemy's head is crushed under the weight and sheer force as you smash it down on them.
- Players will start off with the basic executions and will need to prove their proficiency with weapons in order to unlock new execution kills. Executions are now worth bonus experience points, so there's more to it now than simply embarrassing your opponent. These special executions are pretty long animations, so there's a risk/reward system associated with it.
And more videos!
Flame Grenadier on Thrashball
Some Gnasher gameplay. Savage Theron/Checkout
Short video of Savage Theron on Oldtown
21 More days until the Beta!
Re: The Gears of War 3 Thread
03/28/11 3:16 pm | #195
I don't remember if I posted this already or not:
I LOVE Claudia Black!
That is all...
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