The Free Red Dead Redemption Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack DLC Is Coming

Back in June, Rockstar teased us with some free Fan Appreciation DLC for Red Dead that would be coming soon. A couple hours ago Rockstar announced that this September, the DLC titled Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack will be released.
Here's the article from Rockstars website:
As previously announced, we've got a special and completely free bonus pack of Red Dead Redemption DLC coming as a show of appreciation for the awesome long-term support for the game's multiplayer modes since its release in 2010.
Today we can confirm the title for you: the Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack will feature new fan-favorite multiplayer characters by popular demand (including a certain grizzled ol' gunslinger as pictured above) as well as new multiplayer locations for players of Deathmatch, Grab the Bag, Gang matches and other popular online modes to get busy in.
We expect the pack to be finished and available for download on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network in September.
Oh, also, yes – for those who are asking about a return to the original Undead Overrun multiplayer mode settings – we are planning to release a title update in the lead up to the new free DLC pack which will address that.