Suddenly, the XBone is starting to look like a console that I might want.....
Starting in June - $399 XB1 without Kinect!

Despite their initial assertions, the Kinect is not an integral part of using the XB1. Yes it is fun to turn your console on and off with your voice, and it's handy to just say "xbox record that" to grab 30 seconds of game DVR rather than having to dashboard out then pull up a separate app, but it's pretty much just novelty.
Hopefully they will also update the system so game DVR functions without a Kinect, and won't constantly display an annoying "Kinect unplugged" icon on your home screen.
First, beginning on June 9th, in all markets where Xbox One is sold, we will offer Xbox One starting at $399*. This is a new console option that does not include Kinect. For $399, our new Xbox One offering will continue to deliver access to the best blockbuster games like “Titanfall,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” “Forza Motorsport 5,” “Dead Rising 3,” and the upcoming “Watch Dogs,” “Destiny” and "Sunset Overdrive." You will also be able to access popular entertainment apps, such as Twitch, YouTube, and Netflix, as well as watch live TV and use OneGuide. Finally, you will continue to be able to use many of the unique features of Xbox One including the ability to get game invites while you watch TV, switch between games and entertainment apps, enjoy Twitch broadcasts, and upload your favorite gaming moments.
-Phil Spencer
This will also coincide with additional changes to Xbox Live, including the launch of "free Games with Gold" on the XB1.
So all you curmudgeons out there that were muttering, "yeah I just wish I could get it without the Kinect," it's time to put your money where your mouth is.