Archived: Rep Killers
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 2:21 pm | #17
teabagging kills my rep,but I don't care. Once you teabag there is no stopping
Re: Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 6:46 pm | #18
Quote by theEVOL1:
If it wasn't for ... Gears 1, I would be at 100%.
Yeah Gears 1 online got me the only 2 complaints I've ever received, for "trash talk" and "unsportsmanlike conduct". I just thought it was really funny that I was the last guy on my team and I managed to chainsaw all 3 of the other guys on what was only my second time playing Gears ever

So I feel like I earned my negative rep there. I actually got some hate mail in Super SF4 once but the person didn't bother to file a complaint.

Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 7:13 pm | #19
My youngest son got 2 betrayals today in Reach for throwing grenades and killing his teammates. The problem is that he's playing on MY account.

Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 7:18 pm | #20
All my negative rep came from Halo 3. I hate people who betray on purpose and i will eject your ass given the option. People on my team would cry about it saying "well their better "with what ever gun it was and i should just get over it. Sorry, play nice or don't play, no exceptions.
Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 7:24 pm | #21
I've gotten a lot of Negative rep and hate mail playing Bad Company 2. I am at 49% good, 51% bad.
The way I see it, if I am beating you bad enough for you to take the time to send me hate mail and leave me bad rep, I feel like I have accomplished something. I just don't understand how you can let someone being better than you piss you off to that point. Most hate mail I get now involved people calling me a lvl 50 thinking its an insult. I got hate mail in German the other night that I had to put into google translate. As it turns out..... I'm a gay wanker.
The way I see it, if I am beating you bad enough for you to take the time to send me hate mail and leave me bad rep, I feel like I have accomplished something. I just don't understand how you can let someone being better than you piss you off to that point. Most hate mail I get now involved people calling me a lvl 50 thinking its an insult. I got hate mail in German the other night that I had to put into google translate. As it turns out..... I'm a gay wanker.
Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 9:37 pm | #22
Halo 3 and Reach killed my rep. I'd get matched with people with "less skill" and the result would be receiving negative feedback. I'm guessing so that they wouldn't get matched with me again.
Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 10:54 pm | #23
If i got any negative rep i just think of it as an accomplishment for getting the gamer on the other side salty as ****.
Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 11:06 pm | #24
how do you check exactly what your feedback is??
Re: Rep Killers
06/13/11 11:13 pm | #25
Halo 3 for me when i first got xbox live. Then i got red dead and everyone started hating me again

Re: Re: Rep Killers
06/14/11 1:55 am | #26
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
how do you check exactly what your feedback is??
I thought it was the rep mentioned in your XBA profile but it looks like I'm wrong

You can see the breakdown of what people have given you by pushing the home button on your controller, going right (possibly twice) clicking profile and then view rep. Though
It looks like you guys just get hate rep, I didn't know it was that common, too bad there have to be so many immature gamers out there.
Re: Re: Re: Rep Killers
06/14/11 10:44 am | #27
Quote by WyoChuck:
It looks like you guys just get hate rep, I didn't know it was that common, too bad there have to be so many immature gamers out there.
My Gears negs are hate rep and poor attitude from idiots, but my poker bad rep is like a badge of honor because it's always from people who just got their shit taken!