Archived: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
Posted Under: Gaming
Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 12:48 am | #1
Does anyone think that Red Dead Redemption will be better than GTA 4? I think RDR will be better and I think it looks like a combination of GTA and GUN. But, at the same time it will be weird not having modern guns and cars and I am curious to find out how they will incorporate the police into RDR. Let me know what you think.
Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 12:52 am | #2
idc too much for the wild west theme although it does hold alot of potential seeing as there arent too many games that have used the theme. red dead looks pretty sweet tho, ill rent it or gamefly it but wont drop $60 on it, hopefully the multiplayer stays more alive than call of juarez bib. went to mop up some online achieves on that the other day and found 1 game in a half hour, and the host of that 1 game was team killing.
Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 12:54 am | #3
Im ready for 'ol western swangin' doors and gun totin hooligans! And maybe a monster will take mai Ice Cream cone!
Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 12:56 am | #5
Quote by silencer018:
I am curious to find out how they will incorporate the police into RDR. Let me know what you think.
It's the old west! There's no po-po!

Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 12:58 am | #6
yea theyve definately been hyping the shit out of this game. i see posters all over the place at gamestops
Re: Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 2:21 am | #7
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by silencer018:
I am curious to find out how they will incorporate the police into RDR. Let me know what you think.
It's the old west! There's no po-po!

Well, the Old West did have sheriffs so I'm sure there will be some sort of police. It is being hyped up which does scare me a little bit. But, just about every Rockstar game does and they seem to deliver so, I think I'll be picking it up first day.
Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 4:34 am | #10
Im huge rockstar game fan and i have been since playstation and ill have to say red dead redemption will be the winner. Not to mention i like western games
Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 7:31 am | #11
Police?....If it were my guess I would guess Horseback, I'm not much into western games, so this is a rental
Re: Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
04/26/10 4:43 pm | #12
Quote by Tom Auditore de Firenze:
I hadnt seen much on this game but took the time yesterday to watch the videos and WOW! Its definetely a buy for me. It looks amazing. I want to shoot a cannon so bad!!!! The shotgun blew people away. Physics look great. I want to get mauled by a grizzly and raped by a mountain lion. I want to hunt buffalo and then teabag the corpse. I will probably preorder on amazon.
So, does getting mauled by a grizzly and raped by a mountain lion mean RDR will be better than GTA? Lol.
Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
05/16/10 3:45 am | #13
I cant wait to be the western bad guy, no other western game lets you do that. i hope you can buy properties in this game, thats one of the things that gta4 was missing
Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
05/16/10 4:23 am | #14
If you don't try this game I will personally come to your house and shoot you in the kneecaps. Forget the fact that its an Old West theme, its a Rockstar game and when is the last time they pulled an EA? I have been following this game for months, pre-order is set and my phone has been soaking in water to throughly ensure I won't be getting any bothersome calls from the outside world!
You can be a total bandit, but I hear its the hardest path to gain finances as many of the people you rob carry little money, and robbing banks takes higher end gear....improvise though and you'll find a way to get by till you can take down trains like the big boys! I wanna walk into a bar and play poker with Saw Tooth Sammy have call me a cheater whilest playing poker with him, we can challenge each other to a stand off and then shoot him right between the eyes in dazzling fashion! You can even be old school villian and hog tie almost anyone you please and leave them on train tracks, except you can actually see the results of how much it must have sucked to be that person first hand. If this game doesn't snatch Game of the Year honours i'll eat my spare 20GB hard drive!

Re: Re: Red Dead Redemption vs. GTA4
05/16/10 4:46 am | #15
Quote by ComMandeR SouR:
If you don't try this game I will personally come to your house and shoot you in the kneecaps. Forget the fact that its an Old West theme, its a Rockstar game and when is the last time they pulled an EA? I have been following this game for months, pre-order is set and my phone has been soaking in water to throughly ensure I won't be getting any bothersome calls from the outside world!
You can be a total bandit, but I hear its the hardest path to gain finances as many of the people you rob carry little money, and robbing banks takes higher end gear....improvise though and you'll find a way to get by till you can take down trains like the big boys! I wanna walk into a bar and play poker with Saw Tooth Sammy have call me a cheater whilest playing poker with him, we can challenge each other to a stand off and then shoot him right between the eyes in dazzling fashion! You can even be old school villian and hog tie almost anyone you please and leave them on train tracks, except you can actually see the results of how much it must have sucked to be that person first hand. If this game doesn't snatch Game of the Year honours i'll eat my spare 20GB hard drive!