@heathkilljoy we love you man. tell us what happened. you want a so-da? want some McDonald's? tell us what happened, XBA loves you man.
Random Thoughts
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@heathkilljoy we love you man. tell us what happened. you want a so-da? want some McDonald's? tell us what happened, XBA loves you man.
Quote by Meta:
Quote by JokerLXIII:
Zinger with a side of burnsauce.
Guys, stop being so mean and sarcastic to Kat, you're going to hurt her feelings. Yes, she still has feelings.
Kat, I know you are mad that all my mom's friends ragged on the sext stuff you posted on her facebook but that was your bad for posting them to her timeline and not just sending them on her phone.
Which I use when I have to run errands for her.
Like buying new vinyl thigh-high stiletto boots and the kind of black lipstick that rubs onto stuff but still colours the
I thought she used this
Hahaha I <3 u Metaaaaa.
Quote by JokerLXIII:
I've been on for 81 consecutive days, when am I considered a "regular"?
Right as soon as all the staff members receive a new game from you.
Quote by JokerLXIII:
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Jared:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Massive agree on both counts. Sonic Chaos and the weird kart racing Sonic got me through 2 otherwise miserable roadtrips--I was lucky to have the cigarette lighter charger thing.
Was there a game cart loaded in it Jared?
Haha, yeah. It was the old Power Rangers fighting game. I also found some other games with it: Surf Ninjas, two different Sonic games, a Ren & Stimpy Game, and NBA Jam.
I ended up giving it to my nephew.
Quote by isaidgofly:
by being a man that can handle his alcohol
Quote by JokerLXIII:
When am I considered a "regular"?
That's easy....when Meta invites you into his van.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by isaidgofly:
by being a man that can handle his alcohol
not cool man
i kid i kid although i got to commend you on your sassiness, sir.. likebitchplease
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