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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 6:42 pm | #11911
it's been in like the 40's in New Jersey, pretty weird since it's usually pretty cold around now.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 6:59 pm | #11912
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
it's been in like the 40's in New Jersey, pretty weird since it's usually pretty cold around now.
Yeah tell me about it. Weather has been weird this week. Right now it's raining....in Minnesota....in January.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 7:20 pm | #11913
Quote by Tig:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
You both live in snow states. Move south!!
That's what I'm doing lol. I will be living in Phoenix by the end of the year. Rather live in the heat than the cold.
But now you are going to the opposite extreme - summertime high's around 120F. 
...but it's a dry heat.... 
Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 7:24 pm | #11914
Nearly 80 degrees today. What is this cold weather you speak of?
Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 7:26 pm | #11915
Whore ass whore!
39 and raining here. I anticipate snow mid July.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 7:36 pm | #11916
The weather in this part of Texas keeps being bizarre. Mid-30's one night, high 90's the next day, up and down up and down.
I now understand the saying, "if you don't like the weather in Texas, wait 10 minutes."
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 8:18 pm | #11917
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Tig:
That's what I'm doing lol. I will be living in Phoenix by the end of the year. Rather live in the heat than the cold.
But now you are going to the opposite extreme - summertime high's around 120F.
...but it's a dry heat....
Lol yeah. I hear 80+ days a year over 100 degrees
Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 8:39 pm | #11918
I don't understand these crazy american degrees.(JK I totally get that you guys use gay ass Fahrenheit to measure your temperatures) Today it was -9 (-17 with the windchill) tomorrow its supposed to go to -21 (-30 with the windchill) and I'm going snowboarding.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 8:45 pm | #11919
Quote by CRAWFORD:
I don't understand these crazy american degrees.(JK I totally get that you guys use gay ass Fahrenheit to measure your temperatures) Today it was -9 (-17 with the windchill) tomorrow its supposed to go to -21 (-30 with the windchill) and I'm going snowboarding.
Hahaha! I work for a Japanese company, so everything we do is in Celcius. I am well versed in both scales. I still am more comfortable with Fahrenheit, but they're pretty interchangeable for me now.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 8:48 pm | #11920
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by CRAWFORD:
I don't understand these crazy american degrees.(JK I totally get that you guys use gay ass Fahrenheit to measure your temperatures) Today it was -9 (-17 with the windchill) tomorrow its supposed to go to -21 (-30 with the windchill) and I'm going snowboarding.
Hahaha! I work for a Japanese company, so everything we do is in Celcius. I am well versed in both scales. I still am more comfortable with Fahrenheit, but they're pretty interchangeable for me now.
I can't understand why someone would measure temp that way.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 9:23 pm | #11921
Am I going to get to go ice fishing this year....sure as hell don't look like it. Might as well just put the freak'n boat back in the water.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11922
Re: Random Thoughts
01/10/13 10:21 pm | #11923
I love how, once again, that I find out that my dad is in the ER through Facebook and not someone calling me saying, "Hey your dad fell at work and broke all his ribs on the left side of his body". I'm always the last to know things. Then again without Facebook I'd never know if someone died in my family. I just talked to my mom on the phone a few hours ago. You'd think she's mention that.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #11924
Re: Random Thoughts
01/11/13 12:06 am | #11925
glad it's almost the weekend.
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