Random Thoughts
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Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I was expecting and hoping for more. They only had a few things on there that peaked my interest.
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I was expecting and hoping for more. They only had a few things on there that peaked my interest.
the Lego robot was the only thing worth looking at. I could teach it to do fun things with beer fetching & drink pouring. Did anyone else notice the dude couldn't exit out of monopoly or shut that big ugly tablet off?
I was expecting and hoping for more. They only had a few things on there that peaked my interest.
the Lego robot was the only thing worth looking at. I could teach it to do fun things with beer fetching & drink pouring. Did anyone else notice the dude couldn't exit out of monopoly or shut that big ugly tablet off?
pretty expensive machine just to get you beer lol
Valve Steam Box
Piston Hardware
we <3 u GabeN.

Quote by TK Chillin:
Quote by AJ:
I remember when I upgraded from my 27 inch CRT to a 42 inch LCD, it took a few weeks to adjust completely. Hopefully 42 inch to 55 inch won't take that long.
Never played on a 55" It might be ok. I got a 63" and it's just to freak'n big. I only watch TV and movies on it now. I play on a 42" and it feels just right. I got a 360 plugged into both. So if any of you all want to stop over fer some gaming you can have the big screen.
We had a 16" CRT for a while but it didn't do digital and was going bad so we got a 26" LCD and that was definitely an adjustment. Slightly bigger, rectangular and not square, and it was so clear I thought it was HD even when it wasn't. I could no longer blame the low resolution for my deaths in games lol. I would probably do some stupid things to own a big screen TV, like, oh, getting a credit card and using that to buy it. I don't think I have a wall big enough to mount one. The current TV is on a stand on a small entertainment center thingy.
Quote by X:
A broken older model xbox will get you around $25-$30 IF they accept it(some don't, it's dependent on that stores stock and manager, so YMMV)
A working older model will net you around $60-$70.
A working 'S' model will net you around $150(as of Dec 20, 2012).
Unsure about broken 'S' models, as they are few and far between.
Also, the MS 'seal' must not be broken either, so if you opened the console and messed with it, they won't accept it.
Hard drives will net more, but that's the gist of it for 360 trade ins.
Quote by DeafeningLime:
Join the club. I can't stand snow.
Quote by Jared:
Quote by DeafeningLime:
Join the club. I can't stand snow.

Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Jared:
Join the club. I can't stand snow.

I've seen all of about ten minutes of snow in the last 2 years! This after over 30 winters in Ohio!
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Jared:
Join the club. I can't stand snow.

I know huh, hell I lived in Texas for most of my life, now Idaho. Weirdly here in Boise we normally don't get a lot of snow but this last week has been a bitch.
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Jared:
Join the club. I can't stand snow.

That's what I'm doing lol. I will be living in Phoenix by the end of the year. Rather live in the heat than the cold.
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