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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/25/12 11:28 pm | #10156
Quote by Xmengamer82:
is it just me or does driving like 85% of the time in games like mafia 2 and gta/saints row get really boring?
i just started playing mafia 2 like 5 hours ago and im getting pretty sick of all the damn driving,each chapter has like 10-15% story and action and the rest is driving.
Yeah the driving in Mafia II was pretty fucking boring especially if you plan to go for the driving cheevos which are absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10157
Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 12:18 am | #10158
Well i lost my 149 scoring streak on 360voice.com because they didnt count a achievement i got at 12:35 am tuesday as being on tuesday but instead listed it as monday.Im little pissed but at least now i can go back to getting gamerscore more regularly instead of just getting one achievement a day.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10159
Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 12:47 am | #10160
Going tomorrow to look at a house to possibly buy. Also going to try talking the owners into leaving the hot tub. I just hope they leave the stove and fridge cause we don't have the money to buy them from the store. They're trying to move out and go to Florida as soon as possible, so they may leave them.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 3:53 am | #10161
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Going tomorrow to look at a house to possibly buy. Also going to try talking the owners into leaving the hot tub. I just hope they leave the stove and fridge cause we don't have the money to buy them from the store. They're trying to move out and go to Florida as soon as possible, so they may leave them.
Hope that goes well for you!
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10162
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 4:59 am | #10163
Quote by Neysa:
Gun Bros, why you no work on my windows phone?!
I kill you glu!

You mad, bro-ette?
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10164
Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 10:37 am | #10165
Random Thought - Never make your bed while the ceiling fan is running.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 11:15 am | #10166
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Random Thought - Never make your bed while the ceiling fan is running.
Or any fan for that matter. We have silk sheets on the bed and I have to turn off all fans in the bedroom or else everything is flying around, then sliding around.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 11:47 am | #10167
twitter app on my phone isn't work so I went to go tweet "twitter not working really blows" not realizing how stupid that was.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10168
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 12:51 pm | #10169
Quote by Neysa:
Quote by AJ:
You mad, bro-ette?
Definitely pissed off, I open the game and just have to wait and see what kind of mood its in. I always think, will it let me play or not? This game plays harder to get than a..... well nevermind.
I downloaded Contract Killer, but being a glu game I dont want to even start it.

A little trick that might help CK start, turn it on airplane mode so it can't connect to the servers. It should give you a message that reads something like, "Some aspects of the game will not be available without a data connection," click ok and the game should start right up. Then simply hit your home button, take it off airplane mode, hit the back button until you get back into the game and you're good to go.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/12 2:14 pm | #10170
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
twitter app on my phone isn't work so I went to go tweet "twitter not working really blows" not realizing how stupid that was.

Is there anything you wont retweet?
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