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Random Thoughts
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12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10066
Re: Random Thoughts
07/20/12 5:17 pm | #10067
All I want to know is why did it have to be The Dark Knight Rises and not the Katey Perry movie or Magic Mike? Too soon?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/20/12 7:03 pm | #10068
Quote by breesyst10:
I saw a report on CNN where they said we went in with the rest of the crowd. Still he had 3 weapons a gas mask and tear gas. It unthinkable.
I believe he bought a ticket, but went out the emergency exit and came back in with guns. No one thought anything of the gas mask and shit since so many people were in costume.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/20/12 7:10 pm | #10069
Its just so weird that there are so many crazy people in the world that do shit like this. So random and for no reason at all. But he's gonna get executed prolly.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10070
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/20/12 8:29 pm | #10071
Quote by slicknick3822:
Its just so weird that there are so many crazy people in the world that do shit like this. So random and for no reason at all. But he's gonna get executed prolly.
the apartment the man was living at was rigged with deadly chems,bombs and trip wires so he knew that they would check the place,he walked into the theater with 2 glocks,an assault rifle and tear gas when the audience was going to be rather distracted by the movie at the time he came in, and he was fully armored in case of a shoot out, this was planned WAY before it was done, this man knew years before about this , he may have not knew the place but im betting he knew the exact way and methods to use so yea this shooting was in no way random the location might have been random but the actions he took we played out like a practiced song, so i guess i have to ask is this whole thing random........
Re: Random Thoughts
07/20/12 9:51 pm | #10072
You lost me...who cares is my thoughts.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/20/12 10:05 pm | #10073
Quote by Neysa:
Just watched Virgin Diaries on TLC I felt so awkward and embarrassed for the people on the show, it was kind of hard to watch.
These shows are so awkward. I usually dvr it and fast forward because I feel so awful for laughing and squirming through it. Haven't caught virgin diaries yet, but I'll be sure to gawk next time I see it.
I think one of the worst TLC shows for making me embarrassed for the people is My Strange Addiction. Some weird guy liked going to people's homes and pulling hair from their shower drains. Or that lady that snorted baby powder, that was very cringe worthy. And it's not just that they do the strange thing, it's that awkward moment where they call their friends and family to tell them.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10074
Re: Random Thoughts
07/21/12 12:06 am | #10075
If they pull the movie people are gonna go more apeshit and ultimately be more pissed off than they actually care about what happened, it's just the way it is.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/21/12 12:55 am | #10076
If my phone doesn't quit saying I have a text message when there isn't one I'm gonna break this shit
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #10077
Re: Random Thoughts
07/21/12 4:51 am | #10078
Re: Random Thoughts
07/21/12 5:04 am | #10079
'Warner Bros. immediately canceled the film's Paris premiere in the aftermath of the Aurora shooting, but has quashed rumors that they might yank The Dark Knight Rises from theaters altogether this weekend. “We are not cancelling any screenings or showings of the film,” Warner Bros. spokeswoman Sue Fleischman said. In the meantime, TV spots for the Batman movie have been pulled from the air on NBC, CBS and ESPN.'
They did say they weren't going to release any box office numbers until Monday though, I'm planning on seeing it Sunday night before work
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/21/12 11:08 am | #10080
Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
You all aren't right
So we are all left?
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