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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
01/02/12 4:03 pm | #8071
When the fuck are they going to give us the release date of the Star Wars Console!!! I'm sick of waiting...
Re: Random Thoughts
01/03/12 11:06 am | #8072
Someone said that Skyrim is like crack. I believe that.
My wife has been up to all hours of the night playing that game. Most times she won't tell me what time she got into bed. Last time she did tell me, it was 4:30. I said something about it on Facebook and she got a lot of teasing about it.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/03/12 5:59 pm | #8073
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Someone said that Skyrim is like crack. I believe that.
It's a lot like crack--people that are on it all the time have that wasted, haggard look, they smell bad, and if you crush it up in to rocks and smoke it, it'll fuck you up.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/03/12 7:02 pm | #8074
Thinking about buying shank and deathspank, would any recommend these games?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/03/12 7:30 pm | #8075
Quote by Bluntedfish:
Thinking about buying shank and deathspank, would any recommend these games?
If you like to read a small amount or listen to a game's story, then grab DeathSpank. If you like fast, frenetic action, grab Shank.
They are both solid, well-made games with satisfying length and content, and very do-able Achievements. If you haven't already tried the demo versions you should ASAP.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/03/12 7:35 pm | #8076
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Bluntedfish:
Thinking about buying shank and deathspank, would any recommend these games?
If you like to read a small amount or listen to a game's story, then grab DeathSpank. If you like fast, frenetic action, grab Shank.
They are both solid, well-made games with satisfying length and content, and very do-able Achievements. If you haven't already tried the demo versions you should ASAP.
Oops meant to say anyone* I will probably buy both since they are on sale. Thanks Meta
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/03/12 9:21 pm | #8077
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Someone said that Skyrim is like crack. I believe that.
It's a
lot like crack--people that are on it all the time have that wasted, haggard look, they smell bad, and if you crush it up in to rocks and smoke it, it'll fuck you up.

Hey hey hey.......... I don't smell bad......
Though I understand. I have become quite addicted to the game. This is the first single player game in quite some time to suck me in like this.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/04/12 10:24 pm | #8078
Just noticed that Saints Row: The Third has a DLC Pack on the achievement list. I wonder when its going to be released?
Re: Random Thoughts
01/04/12 11:49 pm | #8079
I made these waffles with the full intent of smothering them in peanut butter and downing it with a glass of milk. We have no peanut butter. I nearly cried.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/05/12 1:04 am | #8080
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Just noticed that Saints Row: The Third has a DLC Pack on the achievement list. I wonder when its going to be released?
Rumor was that it was supposed to release before March. They also have a XBLA game due out sometime second quarter.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/05/12 7:45 pm | #8081
Hefty fucking paycheck tomorrow for Boxing Day/week/all my OT and shit... my paystub made me jizz a bit. Unfortunately, it's with a lesser raise than I thought I was promised, but either way, fuck bitches get money!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/05/12 8:40 pm | #8083
Quote by Brandon:
Quote by kroberts11:
Hefty fucking paycheck tomorrow for Boxing Day/week/all my OT and shit... my paystub made me jizz a bit. Unfortunately, it's with a lesser raise than I thought I was promised, but either way, fuck bitches get money!
Fuck bitches get KAIT!
Oh shit y'all Kait's about to make it RAIN in this bitch!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/05/12 9:47 pm | #8084
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Brandon:
Fuck bitches get KAIT!
Oh shit y'all Kait's about to make it RAIN in this bitch!!

Kait been had money!
Re: Random Thoughts
01/05/12 10:11 pm | #8085
Random question....i bought the saints row the third season pass, but all it downloaded was the funtime pack....did i get jipped and just pay for the pre-order shit...just making sure because this season pass was supposed to have all kinds of dlc and crap with it :/ i feel ripped off
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