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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 8:06 am | #4996
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
I am do drunk riigjt now,,,,,,,,, lol
Man we haven't had a good intoxicated post in a long time. You fucking win, DrunkDuff.
This thread's conversation on routers and getting the NAT open is epic. It made a world of difference to the three of us here, we're running that same new Linksys model (which is fucking fast and hassle-free) behind the DSL company's modem/router combo thing downstairs.
Our bandwidth is very small but opening the NAT up via disabling UPnP and setting those ports made a huge difference in changing between Xbox Live articles, cancelling messages online, all the little things.
Those little glitches and weird quirks in matchmaking being gone are like icing on the cake now.
Circus, does your Linksys router automatically reset to the default settings after you change them, or has it just not made a difference since you changed them?
And are you networking a bunch of other devices off of the same router?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 4:32 pm | #4997
Quote by Adrian:
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Was is these guys?
On topic though Im now 90.1% done the Forza races...
I wish...the guy was cool he was like well whats her fuckin problem
smh the whole time we were talking putside, I said watch shes about to call the fucking cops...trick did...she stole my damn mail...if I wanted to be petty I'd report her ass....
Do it. Stealing your mail is punishable and can include some jail time.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 6:28 pm | #4999
I'm on my sister's laptop at the moment.
Can anyone tell me the deal of the week so I can buy it at xbox.com if I don't have it already?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 6:32 pm | #5000
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I'm on my sister's laptop at the moment.
Can anyone tell me the deal of the week so I can buy it at xbox.com if I don't have it already?
Its a bunch of packs and songs for Dance Central.
EDIT: BTW Evil, you can check the Deal of the Week right from Xbox.com. Just click games + marketplace then scroll down to see it.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 6:36 pm | #5001
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I'm on my sister's laptop at the moment.
Can anyone tell me the deal of the week so I can buy it at xbox.com if I don't have it already?
Its a bunch of packs and songs for Dance Central.
EDIT: BTW Evil, you can check the Deal of the Week right from Xbox.com. Just click games + marketplace then scroll down to see it.
Thanks. I did not know that. Never scrolled down to see it, lol.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 7:20 pm | #5002
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Thanks. I did not know that. Never scrolled down to see it, lol.
No problem, Any news on the levee? Do you know when you are going to be able to move back in?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 7:32 pm | #5003
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Thanks. I did not know that. Never scrolled down to see it, lol.
No problem, Any news on the levee? Do you know when you are going to be able to move back in?
The levee is still holding. We actually haven't left yet, just got everything out of the house except 2 beds, a chair, a old DVD player, and a 13 year old 19in TV.
The real test of our levee starts today. Gavin's Point started releasing 150,000 cfs on the 15th, which should reach our area today. They will keep it at 150k until the middle of August at least. Longer if they keep getting rain.
The most they had ever released before this was 70,000 cfs, so this is a shit ton of water.
Now we just have to hope our levee holds up to this pressure for 2 months........
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 7:46 pm | #5004
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
No problem, Any news on the levee? Do you know when you are going to be able to move back in?
The levee is still holding. We actually haven't left yet, just got everything out of the house except
2 beds, a chair, a old DVD player, and a 13 year old 19in TV.
The real test of our levee starts today. Gavin's Point started releasing 150,000 cfs on the 15th, which should reach our area today. They will keep it at 150k until the middle of August at least. Longer if they keep getting rain.
The most they had ever released before this was 70,000 cfs, so this is a shit ton of water.
Now we just have to hope our levee holds up to this pressure for 2 months........
Living the high life 
Jokes but I hope you all stay safe and you and your family are in my thoughts.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 9:00 pm | #5005
day 1 after the surgery and it's not going great lol. i'm gonna be sick of soup and vanilla ice cream very soon.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 9:49 pm | #5006
Why do i find Asian girls so attractive?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 9:50 pm | #5007
Quote by SigmaOmega3:
Why do i find Asian girls so attractive?
Because you're normal
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 9:55 pm | #5008
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
day 1 after the surgery and it's not going great lol. i'm gonna be sick of soup and vanilla ice cream very soon.
Get well soon then dude.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/18/11 9:58 pm | #5009
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by SigmaOmega3:
Why do i find Asian girls so attractive?
Because you're normal
Mo would disagree with your statement on Sigma being normal.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/19/11 1:14 am | #5010
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Detroit:
Because you're normal
Mo would disagree with your statement on Sigma being normal.
It's true. Sigma is not normal. He's a TROLL!! 
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