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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 2:47 pm | #4276
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
You know what they say, great minds think alike. I do have this "sixth" sense that tells me that you had an idea for a response and bam! in I come to ruin your day. So maybe the better saying is, first cum, first served.
You spelled come wrong... Coincidentally, you've got a little something on your chin.
So you're telepathically stalking me, huh? Fucking knew it.
Oh, I spelled cum wrong? Shame on me. Oh wait, no that's the correct spelling. I googled it and asked the search bar what's that stuff on Melissa's FACE?
On a serious note, I am very proud of myself for working on getting a joke in there with the terminology using your face. 
And last but not least, when I said I have a "sixth" sense about things, I meant to say, one hell of a set of binoculars. So I can promise you that there is no telepatchic kind of stalking going on. Just me, outside in your bushes, with my binoculars. And for tonights dinner, would you be kind enough to leave some out on the porch? Oh, and a blanket, it's cold out here.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 3:37 pm | #4277
It's not cold at night in GA.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 4:39 pm | #4278
Spent all night watching South Park.... gotta say, like the older ones more than the newer ones.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 5:18 pm | #4279
I got carded for the first time at Gamestop. That felt pretty good considering I've been feeling pretty bad about getting older.
I also called 911 to report a drunk driver for the first time today. ^_^
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 5:39 pm | #4280
Why do they make solar powered flashlights? Honestly... who uses a flashlight when its sunny outside?
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 6:58 pm | #4282
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 7:41 pm | #4283
Anyone know if you install a game to your HD, whether it will work with any disc for that game or if you get a different disc, will you have to re-install it? I ask because I started Fallout 3 with a copy from Gamefly but I picked up a GOTY edition today and was wondering about this.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 7:57 pm | #4284
Quote by IRiSH:
Anyone know if you install a game to your HD, whether it will work with any disc for that game or if you get a different disc, will you have to re-install it? I ask because I started Fallout 3 with a copy from Gamefly but I picked up a GOTY edition today and was wondering about this.

No you dont have to re-install. I did this once when I messed up my GTA IV. I borrowed a friends and installed it to my HD, and my scratched copy played off the HD.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 8:35 pm | #4285
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by IRiSH:
Anyone know if you install a game to your HD, whether it will work with any disc for that game or if you get a different disc, will you have to re-install it? I ask because I started Fallout 3 with a copy from Gamefly but I picked up a GOTY edition today and was wondering about this.

No you dont have to re-install. I did this once when I messed up my GTA IV. I borrowed a friends and installed it to my HD, and my scratched copy played off the HD.
See now I tried this once (installed my friends game so I could play my own copy) and when I put my copy in, my xbox still tried to read the disk not load off the HD.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 9:07 pm | #4286
Thank god I figured out the problem on my laptop! I went to sleep for the night, previously using it, and in the morning, it had a white screen. Thankfully all it needed was desktop monitor and a VGA M to M cable to fix it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 9:09 pm | #4287
Quote by CRAWFORD696:
Quote by Detroit:
No you dont have to re-install. I did this once when I messed up my GTA IV. I borrowed a friends and installed it to my HD, and my scratched copy played off the HD.
See now I tried this once (installed my friends game so I could play my own copy) and when I put my copy in, my xbox still tried to read the disk not load off the HD.
Maybe I'm just imagining things
Re: Random Thoughts
05/04/11 11:11 pm | #4288
Mass Effect 3 got delayed, not a big surprise, hopefully Skyrim stays on track though.
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/11 11:01 am | #4289
Re: Random Thoughts
05/05/11 2:09 pm | #4290
Hm. Did I lock the car? I'm pretty sure I remember a beep, but that maybe just in my head. Good thing I can see it from the porch, so I can go check without leaving the apt.
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