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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
04/15/10 10:45 pm | #286
I HATE olives!!!!
and i hate it when my gf gets her fucking attitude with me just cus she doesnt like being at work then tries to make me look bad >,<
Re: Random Thoughts
04/16/10 2:53 pm | #287
2 cases of diet coke. That's what it cost me to get my brakes fixed. I don't like the stuff, but my friend who did the work loves it. Ok. Fair trade...I guess.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/17/10 12:12 am | #288
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/17/10 12:49 am | #289
Quote by kroberts11:
That's my new favorite video!!!
Re: Random Thoughts
04/19/10 2:25 pm | #290
So I had some controllers plugged into my 360 via the play and charge USB cords, cause I was trying to get some hours logged on FIFA09 for an achievement. Well, when I unplugged them, the USB door stayed down, and it turns out that the spring popped out.
I am currently attempting to fix it now, and I'm very annoyed.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/19/10 2:29 pm | #291
Quote by kroberts11:
So I had some controllers plugged into my 360 via the play and charge USB cords, cause I was trying to get some hours logged on FIFA09 for an achievement. Well, when I unplugged them, the USB door stayed down, and it turns out that the spring popped out.
I am currently attempting to fix it now, and I'm very annoyed.

Ouch, that sucks! I always have one USB port taken up by my headset so I don't even know if the spring works anymore. 
Either way, hope you can fix it.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/19/10 2:56 pm | #293
I did that with my old Box

. It just snapped off.. and got stuck in the little slot!!! It took a long while to get it out. But I don't really care either
Re: Random Thoughts
04/19/10 3:34 pm | #295
So I took the faceplate off, and tried to see if I could fix it, but it looks as if a little peg that the spring sat on has broken off, or was never there in the first place? I don't know, but I ended up just taping the door shut, and preserving the spring for safe keeping? It looks like I will have to buy another one if I want it to be perfect, again.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/21/10 12:32 am | #296
Wooooooooo After Burner Climax will be available in a few hours woowooo
Re: Random Thoughts
04/22/10 9:44 pm | #297
My wife and one of my kids has the flu...this sucks!!!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/22/10 10:41 pm | #298
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
My wife and one of my kids has the flu...this sucks!!!
thats sucks dude. You are basically gonna get it too....just a matter of time
Re: Random Thoughts
04/23/10 9:19 am | #300
It's over in 24 hours, but they are throwing up a lot. I really don't want this.
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