altho i did feel bad for our drama ("musical theatre" i think is what they called themselves) step team, and varsity cheerleaders...they all had their nice little entertainment things happen n stuff....but our drumline played one of our winterline/indoor drumline pieces, heavy metal jam, and in it the snares n tenors play on trashcans for half of it....we got a better applause then the other 3 COMBINED, simply because of the trashcans
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altho i did feel bad for our drama ("musical theatre" i think is what they called themselves) step team, and varsity cheerleaders...they all had their nice little entertainment things happen n stuff....but our drumline played one of our winterline/indoor drumline pieces, heavy metal jam, and in it the snares n tenors play on trashcans for half of it....we got a better applause then the other 3 COMBINED, simply because of the trashcans
are you fucking kidding me!? she just admitted to trying to suicide, do you THINK shes ok!?!?
good fuck -.-
Quote by Nate:
What did you get?
Quote by Taco:
are you fucking kidding me!? she just admitted to trying to suicide, do you THINK shes ok!?!?
good fucking god Taco I haven't laughed that hard in months
well played sir, well played
Quote by Meta:
Quote by Taco:
are you fucking kidding me!? she just admitted to trying to suicide, do you THINK shes ok!?!?
good fucking god Taco I haven't laughed that hard in months
well played sir, well played
lol, well im glad i gave you a good laugh
but i mean, come on now....honestly? common fucking sense man. shes tried to commit suicide, of course she isnt ok dammit! i dont even understand why that question pops in your head! "oh hey look, she says the tried to commit suicide...lemme see if shes ok"

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Quote by Circus:

Yeah they do...
But they have a few good people that I think are pretty good/funny. Like ONLYUSEmeBLADE, SeaNanners, Wings of Redemption, and WoodysGamertag.
Everybody else besides them sucks and is boring as fuck to watch
Quote by IRiSH:
idk. all i could tell was she kept makin these weird/vague statuses, and then a lot of people were all "OMG WAT HAPPENED" and shes like "im at the hospital" or something n then they was like "WAT" and shes all "yea i tried to commit suicide.."

Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Circus:

Yeah they do...
But they have a few good people that I think are pretty good/funny. Like ONLYUSEmeBLADE, SeaNanners, Wings of Redemption, and WoodysGamertag.
Everybody else besides them sucks and is boring as fuck to watch
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Detroit:
Yeah they do...
But they have a few good people that I think are pretty good/funny. Like ONLYUSEmeBLADE, SeaNanners, Wings of Redemption, and WoodysGamertag.
Everybody else besides them sucks and is boring as fuck to watch
Never watched them before. I might have to check them out. But I dont really care for Halo stuff anymore
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