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Quote by Kat:
Wait, he/she is doing that at 5? I ate chalk at 5

Randomly unlocked the Edward ACIV outfit in AC Unity... not really sure why. I don't have the app, and I think requiring the app on a phone I can't use (to unlock those red chests), is pretty lame, but happy about the outfit all the same. I agree with some of the mixed reviews, but it's still a pretty good day1 buy. I like that in my (assassin den) I can see everyone else on my friendlist that's played it, so Snapple and Wish Bizzle and a few others- just chilling over a balcony, can hover over them if I want to (add to a party). Cool implementation.
This is just simply odd. So let me state why:
- AC Rogue is a continuation of the ACIV mechanics, and IMPROVES on the naval battles
- AC Rogue is a "greatest hits" that sets you in-between ACIII and ACIV, so you encounter a lot of familiar settings, and characters. They are re-used models, but the story spins them in a whole new light.
This game never got the development attention it deserved. But I wanted to write that such a simple concept (make him the "bad guy"), has been executed A+ so far, with this game. Because (Shay) is a reluctant vessel for evil. And his motivation for "why"-- is damn persuasive. It's not a gimmick. Making them (Irish) was a good choice, too. AC Unity is "good", but glitches and frame-rate issues, and new engine... Rogue honestly at times (on 360) looks like an Xbox One game. Don't dismiss it... game is good!
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Quote by Kat:
Wait, he/she is doing that at 5? I ate chalk at 5

Ha. Kids are different now. But yeah he's driving me nuts, I have to keep coming in and deleting profiles. There's like 3 every time he plays with BBT, orange box and minecraft achievements. -_- I told him to play portal for me- he's better than I am at it. :/
It's funny- my older son (turns 12 tomorrow) was really into shooters at 5- he played through the gears and l4d campaign by himself before he was 6, but Matty is a puzzle game guy. Battleblock Theater, Portal, Peggle... It's like they actually get some disposition to games through genetics.
ETA- I caught him eating play doh yesterday too- so it's not like they're mutually exclusive. ;p
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Try living where it snows.

Quote by Kat:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Try living where it snows.

Exactly, there is almost nothing on the road and people drive 15mph in a 45mph zone every time it snows.
Quote by DeeBo:
Quote by Kat:
Try living where it snows.

Exactly, there is almost nothing on the road and people drive 15mph in a 45mph zone every time it snows.
So I went to play Halo Master Chief Collection, & the game wouldn't run. It was stuck inside my Xbox One. I was freaking out... going on forums-- disc was inside, but the Xbox One wouldn't register it.
Xbox.com says this thing happens a lot... undo a paper clip and stick it on the left vent of your console, you'll see an orange tab-- push it 2 inches in- and the disc should manually eject. 30min later.. nope.
Customer service at Microsoft... 4 fucking different agents. Nothing. I'm literally about to be in tears. Dragon Age / Far Cry I have on DISC tomorrow. I'm about to drive to Laguna Beach for a 15hr realityTV shoot... 9am-11pm... then (happily?) go to a midnight launch. But with my console fucked?
For some reason- I try shooting Ryse into the console- maybe to pry it out. The Ryse disc slides right in. My eyes are like... !!!, then I eject it, no problem. I go to my cabinet... and the Halo Master Chief disc was sitting there the whole time. I honestly for the life of me, have no idea why I was convinced the disc was inserted. I swear it was.
Hopefully my paper-clip prying didn't damage anything.... by God- that was one of the freakiest WTF's I've ever had. Trying to be nice to a southern belle (4th agent)... "oh sweetie I'm sorry you can't game right now, let me check my sheet. Was it Halo1? Halo2? Halo ODST? "No ma'am those are 360 games... Halo Master Chief Collection on Xbox One"..... I say like a teacher to a child... all the while... the fucking disc is sitting a few feet from me....
Ugh!! This is why everyone should be nice to everyone.
Because this kind of stuff happens to me all the time- and is such a great lesson for life, in general.
That's why I needed to share my complete stupidity. Seriously....
*edit* this is why my avatar is Butters. I am so completely drained right now. This whole episode took over 2hrs. Fail... fail!

Quote by feistiestcoast4:

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