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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 3:42 am | #22726
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Senthura:
I'm probably going to be around a whole lot less because of school. Something that intrigues me is the fact that school used to start on Thursday. Now it's Monday and I'm a zombie. Wonder what idiot thought that was a good idea.
Next Monday is a holiday so we get it off anyways. (shrug) I start tomorrow morning at 1130.
I don't think I get out of school that day. Might be wrong. I'll find out in 5 hours. Can't sleep. I'm gonna need an IV drip of Livewire Mountain Dew or maybe Code Red.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 6:43 am | #22727
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Anyone know what the Games for Gold in September are going to be??
Edit - Nevermind, I found it. Magic 2013 and RB6Vegas.
that was 2013's games for gold lineup..
Not sure if you guys heard about the leaked info for future Games for Gold additions-- probably around November, they'll also be offering 1-day free trials for games, too. Of course, it may take a full day to download a retail game, but the sentiment is nice.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 8:15 am | #22728
Quote by Senthura:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Next Monday is a holiday so we get it off anyways. (shrug) I start tomorrow morning at 1130.
I don't think I get out of school that day. Might be wrong. I'll find out in 5 hours. Can't sleep. I'm gonna need an IV drip of Livewire Mountain Dew or maybe Code Red.
Hahaha, Evol couldn't sleep either. Good luck to everyone going back today!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 11:06 am | #22729
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Senthura:
I don't think I get out of school that day. Might be wrong. I'll find out in 5 hours. Can't sleep. I'm gonna need an IV drip of Livewire Mountain Dew or maybe Code Red.
Hahaha, Evol couldn't sleep either. Good luck to everyone going back today!
I slept fine, but that was only because I went for a 2 mile run last night. I got home drank a bunch of water then took a shower. I was exhausted so I went right to sleep....with wet hair. Talk about bed head?!? UHG!!!! 
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 1:53 pm | #22730
Is this good? I have been having so much lag and shitty connections lately. I called my provider and they said this is good speed and the speed I pay for?
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 3:11 pm | #22731
these classes sound like so much fun
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 7:05 pm | #22732
Richard Attenborough, the actor who played John Hammond in Jurassic Park, has passed away. It's a bad year for my childhood.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 7:11 pm | #22733
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
these classes sound like so much fun
I thought you were in Law School???
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 7:15 pm | #22734
nope going for my master's in business administration with a concentration in HR or international business, hasn't decided which yet.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 7:46 pm | #22735
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
these classes sound like so much fun
I thought you were in Law School???
Hahahaha I think sean started those rumors.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 10:47 pm | #22736
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
nope going for my master's in business administration with a concentration in HR or international business, hasn't decided which yet.
I want to be a dick in charge of denying you access to the company, and making your life hell if you do somehow get hired.
Domestic or Imported....
Re: Random Thoughts
08/25/14 11:59 pm | #22737
I don't know where I got that from, Snapple just seemed like a law school student to me. Probably misread some posts.
Today has been... weird. I was offered to direct a movie from someone who sued me five years ago. And the model who played Liara is losing her house, and wants to sleep on my couch. I don't know if I can commit to that. Bioware decisions IRL.
Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/14 12:01 am | #22738
Planning on buying the fable aniversery end in a few weeks when I get cash, anyone buy the dlc packs? Thinking of getting the heroes pack,pretty excited, waited a while just ran through the xbl version.
Edit, getting game fly next month,first time in like 3 years for me,anyone had it for a while know if they have gotten faster?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/14 12:54 am | #22739
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I don't know where I got that from, Snapple just seemed like a law school student to me. Probably misread some posts.
Today has been... weird. I was offered to direct a movie from someone who sued me five years ago. And the model who played Liara is losing her house, and wants to sleep on my couch. I don't know if I can commit to that. Bioware decisions IRL.
Can I come over??? 
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
08/26/14 1:12 am | #22740
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by SeanPCannon:
I don't know where I got that from, Snapple just seemed like a law school student to me. Probably misread some posts.
Today has been... weird. I was offered to direct a movie from someone who sued me five years ago. And the model who played Liara is losing her house, and wants to sleep on my couch. I don't know if I can commit to that. Bioware decisions IRL.
Can I come over???
I need to keep my place single- a similar circumstance happened to a friend recently with an aussie girl who got kicked out of her place... I think I mentioned that here, around Christmas. Anyway, she ended up moving in with him... totally platonic, and now they're dating and having wild sex & all of that. I don't need those kind of problems.
Told her I'd be there if needed, but no promises. Muting most of the conversation, but just to show I'm not full of BS:
What's weird is she was just in Cabo on vacation- I posted that pic in random pics. Weird. I'm going back to video-games, where things make sense.
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