Won't happen. Deporting him won't do anything, sure we'd be minus one pop star who doesn't hail from this country but there's enough that do that would make this move null and void.
It still would be nice. Even if he didn't, maybe this would be enough for him to grow up and stop being a little bitch.
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Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Quote by Mudkip:
Won't happen. Deporting him won't do anything, sure we'd be minus one pop star who doesn't hail from this country but there's enough that do that would make this move null and void.
It still would be nice. Even if he didn't, maybe this would be enough for him to grow up and stop being a little bitch.
He hasn't done enough wrong to violate his visa. Sure the petition to have him deported is 100k signatures strong, but they can only deport him if he is convicted of a violent crime or up to one year of imprisonment.