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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 1:55 am | #18361
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Snapple, just order him something using the money you (would've) spent on gas, & have it delivered to the party. Even it's something like pizzas and beer, let's say-- the delivery person will say your name that you ordered it- so you'll be giving props & also be remembered / appreciated. And tell them next party's on your place with PS4, or something. Regardless, should respect anyone who serves, so should at least give him/her something to show support.
it's more of going to the bar and getting wasted and making poor life choices.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 4:28 am | #18362
Call the bar up & order a round a shots (or two) on you-- give your name, & your credit card. Check your bank statement online a few days later, to make sure the tab was square. If you don't know the bar, text a friend of his/her to figure out where, & google the bar's number. After the evening's done- guaranteed it'll be remembered. That kind of stuff sticks.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 9:13 am | #18363
I was reading the new game informer, well, it's been around for few weeks now, and the cover game for the PS4 looks really good. The Order 1884. Now, I want a PS4 and I want to play that game!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 9:47 am | #18364
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
i'm not sure if I should go to PA tomorrow for excessive amounts of drinking. it's my buddies coming back party from deployment a bunch of people I know gonna be there, only it's a 2 hour drive, I hate driving hungover, and idk where I'm gonna sleep tbh. plus i just got my ps4...decisions decisions
Bah- just forget it and catch him next year.
I'm surprised he's allowed to go out after coming back. Back in my military wifin' days, they were restricted to on post activities for a few weeks when they got home. To try and cut back on the accidental alcohol deaths and wife murders... Don't get me wrong-- those still happened. But probably less.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #18365
Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:00 am | #18366
I'm that way (not judging on first games) except I'll wait for the next wave of games before I get a new console. Right now, neither console has a single game I'm remotely interested in, so there's no way I'd drop all that cash. :/ Using my money to catch up on games for this gen that I never got around too instead lol.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:02 am | #18367
Quote by Kat:
I'm that way except I'll wait for the next wave of games before I get a new console. Right now, neither console has a single game I'm remotely interested in, so there's no way I'd drop all that cash. :/ Using my money to catch up on games for this gen that I never got around too instead lol.
^ This. I'll keep my money until a game comes out that I like more than food and running water.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:04 am | #18368
Would it have killed them to have some RPGs developed for the new gen's launch, though? We're always so overlooked.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:05 am | #18369
Quote by Kat:
Would it have killed them to have some RPGs developed for the new gen's launch, though? We're always so overlooked.

They need to expedite Witcher III!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:06 am | #18370
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by Kat:
Would it have killed them to have some RPGs developed for the new gen's launch, though? We're always so overlooked.

They need to expedite Witcher III!
YESSSSSSSSS!!!! And Fallout 4!!!!! And two worlds 3! (Hahaha if they actually release that...)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:15 am | #18371
Quote by Kat:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
They need to expedite Witcher III!
YESSSSSSSSS!!!! And Fallout 4!!!!! And Bulletwitch 2! (Hahaha id be in heaven if they actually released that...)
I suspect PS4 will at least offer some JRPG goodness very soon. Until then I'll settle for playing Final Fantasy X HD on PS3 next month.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #18372
Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:32 am | #18373
I'm loving the hell out of Ni No Kuni.
Re: Random Thoughts
11/16/13 11:35 am | #18374
My Amazon pre-order says December 31st.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #18375
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