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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
04/10/10 2:36 pm | #166
I have a Spanish presentation on Monday, because class got canceled Wednesday, our original presentation date, so now we do it Monday. One of my group members isn't going to be there, but he emailed us his stuff. My prof is okay with this, and I don't know if we are basically supposed to present his part... and if we do, this sucks, because I'm not even comfortable speaking for 5 minutes in English, let alone Spanish, PLUS someone else's part. :\
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 10:49 am | #167
I'm watching CMT music videos and I'm realizing how much I really hate Zac Brown Band.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 11:37 am | #168
I should really stop eating hot wings! I spend way too much time in the bathroom.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 12:58 pm | #169
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
I should really stop eating hot wings! I spend way too much time in the bathroom.
goes in and comes out spicy huh. rofl xD
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 3:06 pm | #170
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
I should really stop eating hot wings! I spend way too much time in the bathroom.
You eat hot wings on the john?
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 4:27 pm | #171
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 4:39 pm | #172
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
I should really stop eating hot wings! I spend way too much time in the bathroom.
You eat hot wings on the john?

Yeah, you know you can eat hot wings anywhere! There's no reason to confine yourself to the bathroom.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 4:42 pm | #173
I think he means the hot wings burn his asshole....
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 6:47 pm | #174
that burning when it comes out is the worst

soo uncomfortable to walk around after having one of those burning exits
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 6:49 pm | #175
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by IRiSH:
You eat hot wings on the john?

Yeah, you know you can eat hot wings anywhere! There's no reason to confine yourself to the bathroom.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 6:49 pm | #176
You think that's bad? Try eating wings so hot you have to sign a waiver to eat them. I thought it was a nightmare eating them, when they came out I wished I was dead.
And I didn't eat the wings in the bathroom, I totally ate them in the dining area in a restaurant
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 6:52 pm | #177
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
I think he means the hot wings burn his asshole....
No that doesn't seem likely.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 7:05 pm | #178
Quote by Minioger:
You think that's bad? Try eating wings so hot you have to sign a waiver to eat them. I thought it was a nightmare eating them, when they came out I wished I was dead.
And I didn't eat the wings in the bathroom, I totally ate them in the dining area in a restaurant

You talking about the Atomic wings at Quaker Steak and Lube?
We have one of those here, about 20 minutes away, and you have to sign a waiver to get them.
I haven't tried them yet, I do like the Blazin' at Buffalo Wild Wings though, they tear me up the next day though........
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 7:07 pm | #179
Nope. These were at a small local restaurant. Belive me they were worse than the Atomic wings.
They stopped serving them because pretty much only people who were plastered could eat them and those that weren't frequently had to have the ambulance come because they couldn't handle it.
..................and I think Mr Detroit Sniper's sarcasm meter must be broken lol
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/10 7:18 pm | #180
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Minioger:
You think that's bad? Try eating wings so hot you have to sign a waiver to eat them. I thought it was a nightmare eating them, when they came out I wished I was dead.
And I didn't eat the wings in the bathroom, I totally ate them in the dining area in a restaurant

You talking about the Atomic wings at Quaker Steak and Lube?
We have one of those here, about 20 minutes away, and you have to sign a waiver to get them.
I haven't tried them yet, I do like the Blazin' at Buffalo Wild Wings though, they tear me up the next day though........
We eat there every Tuesday (QS&L) or we used to... our friend Mike gets the atomic wings like every week, and he's mixed them with the triple atomic too.. it's ridiculous.
I'm a fan of BWW, one of my favorite restaurants period.
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