Random Thoughts
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uh... i dunno, we could just whip 'em out and swordfight if you want i mean NO WHAT NO WAY DUDE GROSS WTF WOULD U EVEN SUGGEST THAT GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME SHIT
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by Meta:
Big P it's this kind of shit that makes me so glad you joined XBA. A rational mind, a passionate drive, and an evil streak that makes you want to stir the shit every once in awhile? Fucking awesome.
I salute you, sir.
This has got to be the nicest shit anybody's ever said to me on the internet, and quite frankly I don't know how to deal with it.......am I.....am I supposed to insult you now?

I would suggest just insulting Meta and/or Snapple Cap, that's the best way to diffuse the situation.
And on a side note, I lollerskated around the room when I read your comment to the cop. Kudos to you sir, I only wish I could have been there to see it (and film it). Youtube internet sensation

Quote by Minioger:
Quote by BIGP 6:
This has got to be the nicest shit anybody's ever said to me on the internet, and quite frankly I don't know how to deal with it.......am I.....am I supposed to insult you now?

I would suggest just insulting Meta and/or Snapple Cap, that's the best way to diffuse the situation.
And on a side note, I lollerskated around the room when I read your comment to the cop. Kudos to you sir, I only wish I could have been there to see it (and film it). Youtube internet sensation

I can confirm insulting snapple cap works. I do it often because he's a scrub
Quote by Meta:
ITP: meta is still in denial over his own scrubiness
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Meta:
ITP: meta is still in denial over his own scrubiness
ITR: meta continues the awesome trend of talking in the third person, and freely admits that not only is he a scrub, but he is also a bad kid, a try-hard, and a n00b. Except at Guitar Hero, where he is a sexgodrockstarl337.
Quote by BIGP 6:
Quote by xSirSwish:
See that's that common misconception that people have that lead them to believe that cops have mor authority than they actually do......I had not done anything wrong in this particular situation & this cok suker of a cop was just hopeing that when he ran my information that he would have a reason to fuc with me, but he was wrong. Cops are just regular people doing a job just like the rest of us & for all he knows I could have been bangin his wife seeing as how I was in "his neighborhood"
Me knowing that i had done nothing wrong was what aallowed me to keep my cool & made him realize that I'm not the type of person that fears him or his so called "authority"......long story short fuc him
No one is saying they have more authority than they do, it's just that cops are largely a bunch of corrupt pricks on ego trips, and it only takes "suspicion" of something to haul you in.
I've seen people get tickets for doing one over the speed limit for giving attitude. The fact is that it's easier for a cop to say you're doing something wrong than you to prove that you're not.
And you were obviously doing something wrong, you got a warning. He didn't pull you over for being black in the wrong neighborhood and then let you go with a warning "last chance to stop being black around here," so it was a pullover for SOMETHING. Speeding? Failure to signal? Improper lane usage? Following too close? Doesn't matter.
Sorry- I agree with those calling bs on this. If you got pulled over for speeding and told the cop you were banging his wife you would have been given a ticket not a warning, probably ticketed for some trumped up obscure charges, and probably asked to blow in a breathalyzer. Belligerence and combative is reasonable cause for a search in most places and you're in Texas.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
And give out your opinions more and explain them. And don't be afraid of a few insults.
And don't let Dvader force choke you.
And don't provoke the Xbox America Bot.
And don't try the dip.
And talk about games & stuff you like/enjoy.
And do Coke.

Quote by Meta:
And don't let Dvader force choke you.
And don't provoke the Xbox America Bot.
And don't try the dip.
And talk about games & stuff you like/enjoy.
And do Coke.

making fun of people whether they are: new/have a different opinion/a scrub/or you just feel like insulting people can also make you cooler.
provoke the mods as well, they have no real power since I have become supreme overlord of the site.
you aren't actually allowed to like anything, instead you have to insult everything for its very tiny faults and insinuate people most be dumb for liking it.
oh and on another note I got accepted to grad school (lolwut) and I start some of the classes this upcoming semester or the one after, I'll be taking both undergrad and grad courses at the same time.
idk how that will work but w/e
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