Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Quote by Detroit:

Quote by Circus:

I was there!

Gruden sucks. On the way home we were listening to the radio, Stafford is the only QB to throw for 400 yards and not throw a TD

I really dont get these guys. Stafford and Megatron with all these godly numbers but no wins...

Can you ever have a normal conversation with a Steelers fan? Keep in mind, I live 10 minutes south of Pittsburgh and I am and always have been a Colts fan. Talking to a guy at work about what happened in the game, he starts saying that it was just a bad game. Normal talk ensues about the Colts making the playoffs this year. Then he immediately gets defensive and starts claiming that the Colts will just lose their first playoff game. I say, it doesn't matter, the fact that we made the playoffs after a 2-14 season is awesome. To which he claims I am not a true fan because I would be happy with that. To which I posed the question: "Can you tell me that if the Steelers went 2-14 one season and then made the playoffs the next, you wouldn't just be happy with the fact that they made the playoffs?" To which his reply was: "It doesn't matter, I don't have to answer that question, we have 6 super bowl trophies." This is the point where I pissed him off. My next question was: "Then explain to me how any of those super bowl trophies is relevant this season." To which he could answer and once again came back with: "It doesn't matter, we still have 6 trophies. Talk to me when your team has 1." To which I reply: "We already have a super bowl trophy." To which he gets even more pissed and still keeps saying: "Well that doesn't matter, we still have 6."
Seriously, why is this the only response most Steelers fan can come up with? I know some Steelers fans who can have a normal conversation. But most just seem to stupid for their own good.
end rant/wall of text
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Circus:

I was there!

Gruden sucks. On the way home we were listening to the radio, Stafford is the only QB to throw for 400 yards and not throw a TD

I really dont get these guys. Stafford and Megatron with all these godly numbers but no wins...

because the defense is full of bums, you have no #2 WR, an atrocious running game, and stafford is the ultimate stat padder only behind drew brees and tom brady.
oh and fuck the falcons.
LOL Mouth Breather
Quote by Detroit:
LOL Mouth Breather
I hate you and everything you stand for.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Detroit:
LOL Mouth Breather
I hate you and everything you stand for.

Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Giants.... LOL eliminated
He looked good for his first NFL start, yeah he threw a few INT's but it's a given to be honest.
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