Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Quote by zach citizenn:
Quote by Detroit:
I know this is a matter of opinion and all....but....
you should be shot.
That I prefer baseball over football?
I dont find football exciting to me.
and waiting a week to watch your team play 1 game?
when you could watch a series of games in a single week.
But its like... football, man.

Dont get me wrong I love me some baseball. I played for 14 years. But the season just drags!!! Same as the games. As a fan of the game I can watch entire games, but it would an outright lie to say baseball is more exciting than football IMO.
Football is just hard hits, big plays, and super fast. The slowness that baseball can be just doesnt hold a light to it. Baseball has its moments, but rarely. Maybe thats why the play so many games

I can do that too.
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
and lulz who watches golf besides old people?
As for most exciting sport. Id have to say Basketball or Football. Even Hockey at times. But Baseball is kind of slow paced but can still have exciting moments/games.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I can do that too.
Quote by Detroit:
and lulz who watches golf besides old people?
I love to watch and play golf. Any roided up retard can play football, any semi-coordinated tall individual can play basketball and Michael Jordan can play baseball. But try getting par on a 500+ yard hole in golf. Your hand eye coordination has to be ridiculous to land a tiny ball on a 100 square foot green from 200+ yards away.
Quote by AJ:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I can do that too.
and lulz who watches golf besides old people?
I love to watch and play golf. Any roided up retard can play football, any semi-coordinated tall individual can play basketball and Michael Jordan can play baseball. But try getting par on a 500+ yard hole in golf. Your hand eye coordination has to be ridiculous to land a tiny ball on a 100 square foot green from 200+ yards away.
yeah and anyone with enough practice, time, and money can play golf what's your point? It's a boring sport to watch.
and just because there are athletes like bo Jackson and Deion sanders who go pro in 2 different sports, doesn't change how difficult they are to play, especially being a double athlete.
if you think golf takes more skill than hockey or baseball then lol @ your lack of sports knowledge.
it's a difficult sport sure, but nowhere near those, football, or basketball. they all take different talents to because successful, at least more than golf does.
Probably could've gone into the minors for baseball sophomore year of school if they allowed it. I'll stand by saying golf is easily one of the hardest sports to play well.
Quote by zach citizenn:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
yeah and anyone with enough practice, time, and money can play golf what's your point? It's a boring sport to watch.
and just because there are athletes like bo Jackson and Deion sanders who go pro in 2 different sports, doesn't change how difficult they are to play, especially being a double athlete.
if you think golf takes more skill than hockey or baseball then lol @ your lack of sports knowledge.
it's a difficult sport sure, but nowhere near those, football, or basketball. they all take different talents to because successful, at least more than golf does.
So your saying... hm lets take quote unquote the best qb in the league 'tom cry baby brady' could beat tiger woods in a round of golf no. anyone can catch a football, there is no talent anymore. its a paycheck. golf you have to play to actually play in championships. qualify etc etc. kobe dont pass the ball has no talent. cause well, he hogs the ball and shoots. and what AJ said golf is the hardest to play.
how does your comparison even relate to what I said? Tom Brady plays football not golf. if you started playing golf at 3 years old with training tiger woods had constantly throughout your life you have a higher probablity of being a professional golfer then if you did the same thing for futbol/football/basketball/baseball/hockey. you need a more natural talent and and feel for those sports, where with golf with enough time you can shoot reapectively. of course you need talent to be a professional golfer, but not as much as other sports due to less requirement of natural talent. it's more about form, knowing angles, hip movement, trajectory, etc. the intangibles in golf are the wind/where you land the ball.
Tom Brady is a top 5 quarterback of all time, if you think football is just catching a pass you must've never played it before, or basketball just being catching and shooting. your opinion is the worst I've ever seen about sports, and you probably just watch espn highlights and base it off that.
go watch Jordan's game while sick with the flu, or 69 points in the playoffs if you think that's all basketball is.
and for football concussions are becoming even more serious especially with the situation that arose with belcher a few weeks ago, of course they want the sport to be safer why wouldn't they?
I guess someone who can choose from 15+ clubs to put a ball in a hole in the ground from over a thousand feet away has no natural talent. It's obviously because he had money growing up and practiced 24/7.
Hell, Football takes so much skill players play with broken appendages/limbs. I guess because Football players get hurt so much makes the game take WAY more skill than anything else.
EDIT: After re-reading your post, it's probably the worst attempt at an argument I've ever seen. "Blah, blah, you know nothing, watch Jordan play sick. Football players get hurt and the sport should be safer."
Are you serious?
Can anyone with absolutely 0 football experience run and catch a pass after a few tries? Yes. Can anyone dribble a basketball and throw it at a basket and miss just like the pros do 1/2 the time? Yes. Give anyone a golf ball and a putter and see how many putts it takes them on a pro course from 60 feet out.
Golf doesnt even compare to our four major sports IMO. I mean I get that it takes a great amount of "skill" and having a high IQ of the game, but thats it. There is no true raw athletic ability involved in Golf lol. Thats why old people make up half the players. You learn what clubs to use and when, learn the terrain, manage the wind, and hit the ball accordingly. Thats boring as shit, and I'd go as far to say that Golf isnt even a sport. By definition it is... but really c'mon. If we follow the definition then paper football is a sport, mini put is a sport, skee-ball, etc.
Like I said, I get that Golf is difficult, and takes TONS skill, but its just not "sportsy" If that makes sense. Is the best golfer as good an all around athlete as RGIII or LeBron James? Fuck no. They are hardly athletes if you ask me. It takes a beast to play a game like football or basketball with broken bones or the flu (especially at the pro level). Could RGII and LBJ take the time and learn to play the other major sports, and be on par? Yes, because of their actual athletic ability.
So in short, golf sucks. Not a sport. Boring as fuck. Just an activity that doesnt take top level atheltic ability, just knowledge of the activity. Sorta like how im good at bouncing paper balls into a the trashcan from all angles of my room.

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