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Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Re: Random Sports Talk
04/20/14 2:04 pm | #3511
Pacers have been awful since the all star break so I'm not that surprised honestly.
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
04/20/14 3:10 pm | #3512
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Pacers have been awful since the all star break so I'm not that surprised honestly.
And the Hawks have been?
They only won two games the entire month of February, Went 6-10 in March. This is a team with a losing record for the season versus the 1 seed. Inflated or not it's still crazy to lose the first game at home versus a team who should not even be in the playoffs.
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/20/14 9:37 pm | #3513
The Bulls fucking packed it up with about 3 minutes left. What a bunch of losers.
Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
04/20/14 9:48 pm | #3514
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Pacers have been awful since the all star break so I'm not that surprised honestly.
And the Hawks have been?
They only won two games the entire month of February, Went 6-10 in March. This is a team with a losing record for the season versus the 1 seed. Inflated or not it's still crazy to lose the first game at home versus a team who should not even be in the playoffs.
The Hawks are missing their best player and still overperforming, the pacers have a sub .500 record since the all star break. Pacers do not have any notable injuries right now but also have absolutely no team chemistry. i won't be surprised if the pacers lose the series with how they have been playing.
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/21/14 6:58 am | #3515
Houston choked at home too.
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/21/14 1:44 pm | #3516
The away teams came to play this year.
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/22/14 7:18 am | #3517
The Clippers absolutely demolished the Warriors.
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/22/14 7:09 pm | #3518
So will hill is probably gonna be suspended the whole season for breaking the drug policy of the nfl for the 5th time, good job giants.
Here are some hilarious tweets by him btw:
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/24/14 2:26 pm | #3519
Nfl schedule released yesterday.
Giants have 5 Prime time games yeah boyyy
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/26/14 10:30 am | #3520
The playoffs are insane this year.
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/26/14 1:48 pm | #3521
Agreed a lot of great series going on
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/26/14 3:36 pm | #3522
As the case has been the past few years since the Cavs suck, I've been paying more attention to the NHL playoffs. As I've stated before, I grew up a Red Wings fan with them being to closest team growing up in NW Ohio. Even after the Blue Jackets came to Columbus, I remained a Wings fan first and foremost. Especially since the BJ's have sucked for 15 years and even though the team name has historical significance in the state of Ohio, I just won't ever be comfortable with fans in Columbus shouting "Go Blue" in any context. Despite all that, I was warming up to them a little bit over the last few years but the realignment killed that. Still not happy with them moving the Wings to the East.
Even though I could never root for them to win the East, I'm glad to see the BJ's finally experiencing some playoff wins, especially against the Penguins. I guess I could pull for them if the Wings don't get their shit together against the Bruins #FeckYouAndBaston
Re: Random Sports Talk
04/29/14 3:03 pm | #3523
Sterling got banned for life from the nba.
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
04/29/14 3:47 pm | #3524
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Sterling got banned for life from the nba.
For reals. David Stern shows off his shiny new balls.
Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
04/29/14 4:32 pm | #3525
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Sterling got banned for life from the nba.
For reals. David Stern shows off his shiny new balls.

They're named Adam and Silver... :/
I don't get this, though. We heard espn playing the tape and to both Evol and myself it sounds like they were having 2 different conversations- as if she recorded different things after the conversation with him. The sound was different, and he never seemed to be responding to something she actually said. At the very least it seems to me like this would warrant someone to run forensics on the tape and see if it's valid. But the nba just rushed to judgment and that seems off.
I guess he admitted it was him and everything and they didn't need to investigate? But the whole thing seems weird. And for someone to have those opinions about black people but to choose to surround himself by them (his players- his girlfriend) just doesn't jive. Maybe I'll never understand rich white men.
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